City= many black players, but at COMS not many black fans

am black and go to most city matches + most of my family go to the games aswell ,,,,,does that help? bit of a weird topic dont you think?
We don't want coloured fans at City, but it's ok for them to play for us.
We check everybody on the turnstiles and have 3 checkpoints on the way towards the stadium to frighten anyone off who is not white.
WTF, what sort of thread is this?!
lionheart said:
mcfcmatt said:
Are you for real?
You come across as a real twat, mcfcmatt...the OP has raised a genuine enquiry. Perhaps if someone asked how many Bluemooners on here are men/women of colour, we could reassure him? My impression is that there are fewer than when we played at Maine Road.

this ^^^ read the topic properly mcfcmatt
when sun played for us a load of chinese used to come but i havent seen them for ages so it must mean that they only follow there ownfellow countrymen
felixbg said:
lionheart said:
You come across as a real twat, mcfcmatt...the OP has raised a genuine enquiry. Perhaps if someone asked how many Bluemooners on here are men/women of colour, we could reassure him? My impression is that there are fewer than when we played at Maine Road.

this ^^^ read the topic properly mcfcmatt

skybluekings said:
Is race an issue with city fans? In other words, are people of color welcomed at the games or is it expected to run into racists there?

I hope asians are soon made not welcome at Eastlands aswell!!!!!!
mcfcmatt, you seem to be one of the growing number of block 110/111 goons (no offence to the big majority of good fun loving fans in that area)
Another thread raises its head for the cyber-warriors to show how tough they are when someone asks a perfectly reasonable question that somehow they feel threatened by! And some should know better!
Cheltblue said:
Another thread raises its head for the cyber-warriors to show how tough they are when someone asks a perfectly reasonable question that somehow they feel threatened by! And some should know better!
some racists can get very uptight when the issue is discussed mate.

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