City= many black players, but at COMS not many black fans

blueyorkie said:
skybluekings said:
As a foreigner watching the City games live on TV, it is nice to see such a diverse team - now even with a black captain. However, the COMS doesn't seem to have many black fans at the games.

Is race an issue with city fans? In other words, are people of color welcomed at the games or is it expected to run into racists there?

Why should the colour of your skin be of importance, as far as I know anyone is welcome at City. What we don't need is the PC nutters making bullshit propaganda. If you want to support City you can be Black, white , yellow, purple or whatever. No conversation needed!
PC nutters don't have to make up bullshit propaganda about the number of Asian fans at english football matches. I'm sure the problem's the same in Germany, Spain, and all over Europe, but it's a bigger problem as it ever was, just the targets have changed over the centuries
skybluekings said:
As a foreigner watching the City games live on TV, it is nice to see such a diverse team - now even with a black captain. However, the COMS doesn't seem to have many black fans at the games.

Is race an issue with city fans? In other words, are people of color welcomed at the games or is it expected to run into racists there?
there was a coloured guy sat next to me at coms when we played wolves, he was a realy nice, friendly guy, he was there with his 2 kids and when we scored he was screaming "goooaaal!!!!!!!!" and hi-fiving everyone, when we scored again but was ofside, he jumped up screaming and hugged me, lol, different but a very nice guy.
Newlunar said:
Can I just point out that their have been several references made to green and purple City fans on this thread.

Neither of which I am prepared to accept or sit next to. Not on your nelly.

as you know Lunar, i'll be the first to defend minorities but in this instance i'm with you. Some of them Purples are alright but them Greens are all bad. And smelly too.
lionheart said:
mcfcmatt said:
Are you for real?
You come across as a real twat, mcfcmatt...the OP has raised a genuine enquiry. Perhaps if someone asked how many Bluemooners on here are men/women of colour, we could reassure him? My impression is that there are fewer than when we played at Maine Road.

You come across as a real twat Lionheart.

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