City= many black players, but at COMS not many black fans

skybluekings said:
It seems like I've stepped on some toes with this thread.

I'm black and I would like to make the trip from Finland to come to see City play. But the thing that you don't know because most of you are living in England, is how the media portrays English football and English football fans.

The premiere league is the best league in football and it gets the most exposure of tv over here. Because of this exposure, the other side of the EPL is also reported: Players having racial chants against them. The fights after games.

If there wasn't a problem with the EPL and race there wouldn't be a stamp racism out of football campaign, now would there?

Someone made a post about socio-economic reasons and another posted about the demographics of Manchester. Both made perfect sense and helped me better understand. Still, it does seem that Man Utd has more "foreign decent" fans than City, alot more. I think you're even guaranteed to see some Indian guys sitting next to the Man Utd players at every home game. We see them every week there. I'm sure they have season tickets or something for that spot :D

However, at City, from watching the games or even the MCFC video of MCFC events, like players arriving or the City concert before the season started. You have to admit, from all that video you can count on 2 hands the "foreign decent" faces you see. So to ask if race is an issue is legitimate.

I do not think that MCFC is in any way racist. The owners are Arabs, 50% of the team is black. How can it be?

I just want to come down to hang out at a pub before the game starts, meet real City die hard fans, learn more about the club, and see my first City game. The purpose of the OP was to gather a sense of safety in doing so.
I think your post was excellent you wanted to ask a Queston & there is noyhing wrong with that .Some tried to turn the thread for there own purposes .But i think you have gathered by now The Club is not Racsist .The Overwelming Majority of the fans are not either . You will not have a problem at the Stadium or the pubs & you will have a great time
skybluekings said:
It seems like I've stepped on some toes with this thread.

I'm black and I would like to make the trip from Finland to come to see City play. But the thing that you don't know because most of you are living in England, is how the media portrays English football and English football fans.

Every image I've ever seen in the UK media of Finland is as a land of snow almost entirely inhabited by white people that do nothing but ski and fish....shows how wrong and stereotypical the "media" can be-in whatever country you're in!

The premiere league is the best league in football and it gets the most exposure of tv over here. Because of this exposure, the other side of the EPL is also reported: Players having racial chants against them. The fights after games.

Racial chants against players and fights are by and large history.Of course there are isolated incidents (West Ham) but when you consider attendances at PL grounds now rank in the millions it's a tiny minority.You've far more chance of being racially abused or physically attacked on the high street than at a football match.

If there wasn't a problem with the EPL and race there wouldn't be a stamp racism out of football campaign, now would there?

The "kick it out" campaign was created to promote an atmosphere of zero-tolerance of racism in football at all levels.I think you're confusing the "need" for the campaign with the "reality."Maybe we in Britain are just more "aware" than many countries in Europe who have a far greater need for such a campaign of "awareness" than ourselves.

Someone made a post about socio-economic reasons and another posted about the demographics of Manchester. Both made perfect sense and helped me better understand. Still, it does seem that Man Utd has more "foreign decent" fans than City, alot more. I think you're even guaranteed to see some Indian guys sitting next to the Man Utd players at every home game. We see them every week there. I'm sure they have season tickets or something for that spot :D

I know the Sikh fans you mean at OT.They sit within camera range of the subs bench and are constantly pictured whenever the camera pans that way....they're hard to miss!I attend games with several lads of various descent...Greek Cypriot,Afro-Carribbean...but a lot of the time you'd never know unless you asked them.Trust me-there are a sizeable number of "non-white" people that attend City matches.

However, at City, from watching the games or even the MCFC video of MCFC events, like players arriving or the City concert before the season started. You have to admit, from all that video you can count on 2 hands the "foreign decent" faces you see. So to ask if race is an issue is legitimate.

On the face of it-a fair point.But I still say that you will think a little differently if you look under the surface.

I do not think that MCFC is in any way racist. The owners are Arabs, 50% of the team is black. How can it be?

I disagree with you here-ANYONE can be racist-no matter what their background,creed or colour.Though I do agree that MCFC is one of the most integrating and forward-looking clubs in the PL when it comes to working within a diverse community like Manchester.

I just want to come down to hang out at a pub before the game starts, meet real City die hard fans, learn more about the club, and see my first City game. The purpose of the OP was to gather a sense of safety in doing so.[/quote

You will -and you'll love it,I'm sure!!
Marvin said:
Britain is as racist as it ever was, only the targets have moved on from West Indians to Asians as the political scene has changed. Where once there was a pre-occupation with the "mugger" we now have the threat of International Terror, and it's bound to seep into the collective psyche

It always amazes me how many people can be so blind and insensitive to the world they live in. Just because the crowds don't throw bananas on the pitch any more and shout monkey chants doesn't mean that racism has gone away. It's just changed its form

The Celtic "friendly" was only a couple of months ago, and there was plenty of evidence there of similar attitudes.

That said it's got nothing to do with MCFC, and City fans are no worse than any other set of fans who are totally representative of the society we live in. More dangerous for an group of Asians Youth to walk into a pub on a Saturday night. They might if they are lucky just about get away without incident at COMs.

Marvin- I can understand why you may hold this view but I prefer England to any country in the world: Growing up a mile away from Main Road 30 years ago, being on the receiving end of racism wasn't great but England has moved on and I would argue is the greatest country in the world where many black and asian people like me get the chance to earn six figure salaries. Almost every friend of colour that I have falls in this bracket, there are no other places in the world (except for maybe the U.S) where minorities are allowed to achieve this success or success through business as we are allowed to here.

Also regarding recent highlighted issues in the media about youngsters from Europe being poached by British clubs: A lot of these youngsters are black and of African and/or muslim origin, and I would contend that they also believe that England is the best place for them to live in a meritocracy, rather than being treated as second class citizens ias they often are in their countries of birth ( France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium etc). This view is the consensus of my many friends of african origin who were born in European countries.

In addition, looking at rules regarding club ownership, unlike other European leagues here in the U.K we don't run a closed shop where only a local white elite is allowed to own clubs and we have the most open and transparent ownership rules in the world and hence our current owners.

For all of the perceived faults that we may have in this country you will find that many black people have great love for England and are willing to work towards a positive end vision and wait for any minor injustices to become history. Look at Spain to see how Henry and Eto are treated: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> . This behavior would now never be accepted in England.

Admittedly there are some anti muslim chants now days, but when you look at the way the City fans have taken to the new owners and the very high numbers of muslim players in the EPL, you will realise it is a transitory issue that will pass and is not unexpected with the recent history of 9/11 and is in fact positively very limited in nature and relatively minor compared to elsewhere in the world. I am not an apologist for such behavior but say give credit where it is due.
I think its a legitimate question. this question will be asked with the number of city fans globally are increasing. I am happy to say that this club isn't racist. This thread shows how eager people are in making new commers welcome.

I think I had similar concerns when i first started supporting city. But I found out that City fans are one of the most respectable fans I have ever encountered. So passionate and warm. Its a delight to be a city fan.

Take the efforts they made to make that banner for Khaldoon. Also, the way they reacted to Ade chants.

Anyways, welcome on board. Hope you enjoy the visit.
Mr Blue Sky said:
skybluekings said:
As a foreigner watching the City games live on TV, it is nice to see such a diverse team - now even with a black captain. However, the COMS doesn't seem to have many black fans at the games.

Is race an issue with city fans? In other words, are people of color welcomed at the games or is it expected to run into racists there?

Dont talk like a twat there is no race problems at City never has been.

He was merely putting a healthy discussion up, leave him alone
cyberblue said:
skybluekings said:
It seems like I've stepped on some toes with this thread.

I'm black and I would like to make the trip from Finland to come to see City play. But the thing that you don't know because most of you are living in England, is how the media portrays English football and English football fans.

The premiere league is the best league in football and it gets the most exposure of tv over here. Because of this exposure, the other side of the EPL is also reported: Players having racial chants against them. The fights after games.

If there wasn't a problem with the EPL and race there wouldn't be a stamp racism out of football campaign, now would there?

Someone made a post about socio-economic reasons and another posted about the demographics of Manchester. Both made perfect sense and helped me better understand. Still, it does seem that Man Utd has more "foreign decent" fans than City, alot more. I think you're even guaranteed to see some Indian guys sitting next to the Man Utd players at every home game. We see them every week there. I'm sure they have season tickets or something for that spot :D

However, at City, from watching the games or even the MCFC video of MCFC events, like players arriving or the City concert before the season started. You have to admit, from all that video you can count on 2 hands the "foreign decent" faces you see. So to ask if race is an issue is legitimate.

I do not think that MCFC is in any way racist. The owners are Arabs, 50% of the team is black. How can it be?

I just want to come down to hang out at a pub before the game starts, meet real City die hard fans, learn more about the club, and see my first City game. The purpose of the OP was to gather a sense of safety in doing so.
I think your post was excellent you wanted to ask a Queston & there is noyhing wrong with that .Some tried to turn the thread for there own purposes .But i think you have gathered by now The Club is not Racsist .The Overwelming Majority of the fans are not either . You will not have a problem at the Stadium or the pubs & you will have a great time

I honestly can't remember the last time I heard something racist at City

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