City Matters thread

I assume she supports City's men's team and Chelsea's women's team.

It might not be as uncommon as it sounds, y'know. I know a few people who live in Manchester and support and regularly attent the women's team but support other premier league men's teams.

Still, it probably does make the position hard a bit untenable.

Find the the "posted her pictures without permission" stuff a bit weird. They're obviously very publicly posted pictures, and one of them is from a fucking photoshoot.
This is why I'm so nonplussed about the whole episode. As @Tim of the Oak said, there have been some decent people on the CM committee but I've always felt that CM gets used by the club itself to push through controversial things and CM end up getting it in the neck from some fans as a result.

Naah. The club does what it wants to do anyway. But yes, it ticks a box because the club has to have some fan involvement, and you are right, CM will get it in the neck whatever happens.
That may well be the case, and if she's blagged her way into the job then she should be removed but like I've already said on this thread, how has she managed to blag it in the first place? She must've had other City fans vouch for her to get into that position and CSB probably had an input too, given it was for the LGBTQ+ post. CSB could've handled this matter in private rather than going after her on the most toxic social media platform, and they're rightly getting a lot of stick for that. Obviously, that won't be everyone associated with CSB who advocated whacking it on Twitter but whoever was behind that Tweet needs to have a word with themselves.
I dissagree, CSB haven't criticised her personally, they have just said they are disappointed to note that she is now a Chelsea fan. And have lost faith in her ability to represent them. Which is fair enough. It was her posting on social media her Chelsea allegiances that has caused the problem, they have just responded in kind. She has brought any just and fair criticism on herself by her own actions.
I assume she supports City's men's team and Chelsea's women's team. It might not be as uncommon as it sounds, y'know. I know a few people who live in Manchester and support and regularly attent the women's team but support other premier league men's teams.

Still, it probably does make the position hard a bit untenable.

Find the the "posted her pictures without permission" stuff a bit weird. They're obviously very publicly posted pictures, and one of them is from a fucking photoshoot.

There’s zero evidence to support or assume this position.
This is why I'm so nonplussed about the whole episode. As @Tim of the Oak said, there have been some decent people on the CM committee but I've always felt that CM gets used by the club itself to push through controversial things and CM end up getting it in the neck from some fans as a result.

Hopefully Danny will get back to us with the answers to the questions he’s been asked by a few posters and turn the negative tide a bit.

The club really aren’t helping the City Matters Reps, which is true, as the last minutes were posted a year ago, even though the City Matters Reps have continually asked the club to post the minutes on the OS. That along with the continual confidential discussions, which can’t be mentioned outside the meetings. As it stands little or nothing is coming out of the meetings, and what is coming out of the meetings is heavily vetted by the club.

For City Matters to really work the club needs to change how they manage it and the City Matters Reps. I’m not holding my breath.
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I saw the police rushing around thinking they were dealing with a terrorist incident or something. Pathetic again from gmp

It really was. 3 officers had the lad pinned in at the bottom of the short passage, and 4 officers were spread across the entrance to the passage, which was probably about 5 foot wide. Then there were stewards standing close by as well. The lad was in his late teens, tallish, pretty slender, and didn’t look the sort who would put up a fight or resist being ejected. And he didn’t. Handcuffing the lad on the concourse in-front of everyone and dragging him into the passage was a f*cking joke. But we talking about GMP after all.
Saw a lad get pulled at the Bayern match at the back of SSL1. Don’t know what for. Not going to speculate. Handcuffed. 7 Police officers in riot gear surrounding him, helmets, etc, not wearing them. Numerous stewards also in attendance. 2 women filling in paperwork, looking rather pleased with themselves. The Police then forced the lad into a narrow passage way that leads to the catering bar. Kept him there for quite a while, talking to him, then led him away.

Maybe linked to the Daisy and Mittens argument?
There’s zero evidence to support or assume this position.
Well, the picture posted is her at a women's game and the message posted upthread is her claiming she has supported the men's team since she moved to Manchester so there isn't zero evidence and I don't think it's a completely wild assumption to put two and two together here.

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