City Matters thread

The previous CM SC rep (PB) said when he was in post that the club wouldn't state how many SC holders there were. I'd assume that's still the case as whoever is the new rep doesn't post on here.

No new SCs have been issued for the last two years and none will be this summer either. That means that any non renewals go to match day to increase revenue. We obviously have a lot less SC holders now than we had at the peak as there is far more money to be made selling them game by game.

City Matters is a fig leaf for supporter engagement by the club and other than Sir Kevin Parker I don't know why the reps bother to be honest.

What has Kevin Parker ever done for the vast majority of City fans?

Regardless if Micah is or isn’t a cock, what about the issues surrounding away ticket distribution by the club, Kevin? Maybe as the OSC, GS, you could update us on that on-going issue Kevin? Or don’t you want to rock the boat with the club?
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What has Kevin Parker ever done for the vast majority of City fans?

Regardless if Micah is or isn’t a cock, what about the issues surrounding away ticket distribution by the club, Kevin? Maybe as the OSC, GS, you could update us on that on-going issue Kevin? Or don’t you want to rock the boat with the club?

I'm not too sure, irrelevant of if he's right or wrong that someone in Parker's position should be posting things like that.
Pretty sure Micah is an official club ambassador (fuck knows why) so it’s not a great look for someone in Parker’s position to post that.

I’m no fan of Micah as a pundit to put it mildly, but it does feel like airing our dirty washing in public.

Could easily become a lazy clickbait story today for our ‘friends’ in the media.
Pretty sure Micah is an official club ambassador (fuck knows why) so it’s not a great look for someone in Parker’s position to post that.

I’m no fan of Micah as a pundit to put it mildly, but it does feel like airing our dirty washing in public.

Could easily become a lazy clickbait story today for our ‘friends’ in the media.
Yes they should need to come on Bluemoon and locate people compaining about not having a Liverpool away ticket!
What has Kevin Parker ever done for the vast majority of City fans?

Regardless if Micah is or isn’t a cock, what about the issues surrounding away ticket distribution by the club, Kevin? Maybe as the OSC, GS, you could update us on that on-going issue Kevin? Or don’t you want to rock the boat with the club?

Why don’t you post on the ticket thread for a Liverpool away, JRB. It’s a long shot but you might get lucky with a ticket.
I'd say, in over 20 years of running the OSC, which has expanded exponentially over the last 10 years, that he's done quite a lot more than most of us.
398 Branches and approx 34k members now. Peole giving there time for free. As do the fans on City Matters.

The ticket allocation for Liverpool feels unfair if longstanding home and away Blues like JRB aren’t getting a ticket but that’s different issue.
I'd say, in over 20 years of running the OSC, which has expanded exponentially over the last 10 years, that he's done quite a lot more than most of us.

In that sense PB, Kevin has. I don’t doubt that for 1 minute.

But outside of the OSC he doesn’t come across as representing the wider fan base on important issues like match day ticket prices, away ticket distribution, etc.

I appreciate as the OSC GS he‘ll say the wider City fan base isn’t his remit. He’ll say he represents the OSC members, which number in the 10,000’s, and that’s it. But by representing the OSC fan base, which I’m a member of, in essence, he represents all of us. We’re all one big City family and fan base.

Kevin is in a privilege position that he has worked hard for over the years, to be fair to him, that gives him access to the people at the top of the club. You know how that works as you’ve been in that position via City Matters before you stepped down. So Kevin should be fighting for every City fan, not just OSC members on issues like match day ticket prices, away ticket distribution, etc.

I’m not asking him to spill the beans about meetings with the club. That will never happen. You didn’t do that when you were the City Matters Rep. I’m not having a go at you about that. But I knew, and all of us did, that you were actively fighting our corner on various issues effecting the wider City fan base. I know how it works when you have meetings with the club. I’ve been there myself in the past. It’s made plain and clear that what is discussed stays private.

All I want him to do via his (OSC) social media page is to acknowledge there are on-going issues regarding match day ticket prices, away ticket allocations, etc, that need addressing, he’s trying to address those issues on behalf of the wider City fan base with the club, and he's trying to get the club to be more open and honest with the wider City fan base about those on-going issues.

I’ve got no interest in reading Micah Richard’s is a cock on his X/Twitter page.
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398 Branches and approx 34k members now. Peole giving there time for free. As do the fans on City Matters.

The ticket allocation for Liverpool feels unfair if longstanding home and away Blues like JRB aren’t getting a ticket but that’s different issue.

I’m not doubting that Tim. I’m in an OSC. We have a wonderful branch secretary who is absolutely dedicated to his role, to the branch members, and to the branch. He puts in countless hours of his own time running the branch. He is well respected and loved by all the branch members. And we’re all grateful for the work he does running the branch.
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