City of manchester stadium.

The pitch is 6m below ground level...but as well, if you think about the distance from the main entrance to the pitch, you've got to go through reception, then the offices, then the concourse then the width of the seating's almost half the width of the entire stadium! Even if the tunnel were the size of a house, the view of pitch would be tiny
the ticket office is being relocated where the social club and museum is now.... upstairs.

they are building a bigger and better museum .
coming into the tunnel through the stadium theme.

You go through reception, through the double doors behind and into the main offices of the club. Through some more doors and there is a corrdor running the length of the stand - ie at 90 degreed to the players tunnel. Off this corridor is a flight of stairs down into a tunnel which brings you out directly over the players tunnel in the Bell stand.

So that could happen,

theplayers tunnel actually goes down to 2nd basement where the changing rooms are.
Blue Phil said:
My dad just told me that the people working on the stadium told him today that the front of the stadium, the glass wall, is being redisigned, they are removing the stairs and desk and just having a huge tunnel to the pitch so you can see the pitch from the outside of the stadium, also said the store is being dramatically over hauled and that the ticket office is moving to the upstairs of the stadium.
Dunno if its old info but i found it interesting :)
that`ll be great
Pam said:
So you can see the pitch from outside the stadium??

nope...if you think about it pam...we enter the stadium from the road at concourse level.....we then walk down approximately 30 rows to pitch pitch level is at least 25-30ft below outside road level
shadygiz said:
Pam said:
So you can see the pitch from outside the stadium??

nope...if you think about it pam...we enter the stadium from the road at concourse level.....we then walk down approximately 30 rows to pitch pitch level is at least 25-30ft below outside road level

I know. That's why I was sceptical of the statement.
nu774ll said:
I highly doubt this, correct me if im wrong but the entrance is level with the second tier as the bottom tier is located below ground level (dug up!)
It;s correct,infact during the games the bottom tier was buried so the sides only had 2 tiers.

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