City player reported to police(Kolorov)

waspish said:
Still on the yellow ticker for something that is alleged they don't half milk it

We can't have a matchday anymore without some kind of outrageous sideshow.

As professionals, the players must be trained and drilled to rise above the distractions and provocations of fans and rivals.
Camo Bentley said:
waspish said:
Still on the yellow ticker for something that is alleged they don't half milk it

We can't have a matchday anymore without some kind of outrageous sideshow.

As professionals, the players must be trained and drilled to rise above the distractions and provocations of fans and rivals.

I hope Kolarov and the club put together a first class legal team and sue the scumbags for all they are worth.

It would not suprise me if those particular "fans" have criminal records.
Was this provoked? It could be that those Albanian fans said something offensive to the Serbs which pissed Aleks off. Having said that Balkan politics and nationalism are certainly complex and can get very ugly

apparantley this is the albanian newcastle fan Kolorov allegedly swore at ;) looks familiar
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
kun said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Does it actually say what he has been reported for.

If he has called someone a **** then fuck all they can do really.

However if there is a racist undertone.He is fucked
How can there be? they are both the same race (Albanian is not a race)

What is the difference between calling someone an Albanian ****, a Scottish **** or a thieving Scouse bastard?

-- Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:50 am --

hedkandi said:
If the police have statements...suspect still there.....why would they let aleks leave? Surely he would have been questioned straight away. Unless its all bollox

Maybe they are waiting for an interpreter to question the 'victim' first.

Why, can the police not understand Geordie
Re: Complaint to police about Kolorov

jma said:
No idea what happened but hoepfully the pillock with the flag gets 50 years.

Anyone, of any nationality, taking a national flag to a football match in another country, especially when there are no players of that nationality playing (but even if there are, in my book) is an absolute fuckwit.

An egotistical, look at me wanker. As if anyone gives a fuck that there is someone from Albania, Spain, Ireland, England, Manchester wherever in attendance. You are at the match for the football, you pricks. Not to be some sort of marketing tool for whatever shitty place you happen to hail from. We aren't interested.

"Look at me, look at me, I'm from XXXXX, I'm here, I'm hoping to get on TV and that people will see me standing out in the crowd."

NUFC v MCFC. Don't forget yer Albanian, Iraqi, Palestinian, East Timor flags! £5 each. All yer United scarves a fiver!!
Matty said:
You can't racially abuse someone for being Albanian. Albanian is not a race, it's a nationality. Having a go at someone for being Albanian is the same as having a dig at someone for being Welsh, or Scottish. It's. Not. Racist.
Whilst I agree wholeheartedly, under UK criminal law, it is.

It is fucking moronic.

-- Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:38 am --

argyle said:
Matty said:
You can't racially abuse someone for being Albanian. Albanian is not a race, it's a nationality. Having a go at someone for being Albanian is the same as having a dig at someone for being Welsh, or Scottish. It's. Not. Racist.

Unfortunately you are wrong.

For the past 40 years since the Race Relations Act 1965, now succeeded by Equality Act 2010, abusing someone on the grounds of grounds of colour, race, or ethnic or national origins is against the law and shortened under the term/heading 'racist.'

Like it or not, that's been the law for 40 years. Amazing how people in this country still don't know this.

Now, the law takes into account context so if you call a mate a 'paddy' etc, this isn't 'racist' as the context isn't.
The Law is an ass.

Also, you got your acts wrong, it is now covered by the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ous_crime/</a><br /><br />-- Sun Dec 16, 2012 9:40 am --<br /><br />
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
kun said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Does it actually say what he has been reported for.

If he has called someone a **** then fuck all they can do really.

However if there is a racist undertone.He is fucked
How can there be? they are both the same race (Albanian is not a race)

What is the difference between calling someone an Albanian ****, a Scottish **** or a thieving Scouse bastard?
Nothing, you could get fucked by all of the above. (not sure a jury in Manchester would convict on the latter)
Skashion said:
ElanJo said:
It's fucking insane that if you say certain words in this country you can be investigated and arrested by the police.

Absolutely. It's utter madness. In 2007 a bloke was successfully prosecuted for calling some Spanish women "bloody foreigners" after an argument. It went to appeal and he lost!

On this basis, they'd have to arrest John Cleese for half the episodes of Fawlty Towers.

Cliche I know, but it is policsl correctness gone mad. You can actually be prosecuted for calling someone a scots git. What on earth happened to the most fundamental pillars of a free society, freedom of speech?

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