bluepeter62 said:
danny21manc said:
if your all going to be dicks then fine...

only telling you what the players are saying....

and by the way anyone whos ever met JO knows his English is very very good

Now that's bullshit. If it was that good why didn't he speak it when interviewed for the Villa v Everton game?

THIS ^^^^
danny21manc said:
is there a way of adding pics on here? because i really wanna forward givens state for his horrible attitude...i have a pic with him with 3 bottles of stella in one hand and a shot in the other...absolute arrogant wanker he were

Go onto photobucket and set up an account. I want to see this.

Im sure Jo didnt use those exact words either. What did he say without the exaggeration?
svennis pennis said:
Go onto photobucket and set up an account. I want to see this.
Im sure Jo didnt use those exact words either. What did he say without the exaggeration?
He said "Kindly get out of my face you silly drunk."
I'm sorry but that's bullshit. Not only do am I pretty sure that Given doesn't drink but I know for a fact that he's a sound lad, he's dead on, he is one of the nicest lads you'll meet.
This is what happens when people start rumours on here. One minute it's I saw SWP at the club with Given, then 5 seconds later there's another topic saying I saw them pissed at the club and they're all pricks, now in 10 minutes there'll be another one, I saw them....anyone take a guess what the next one will say, probably something about I saw them with girls even though ones married..or something ridiculous like that.
Can people not stick to the facts ffs. This rumour crap is exactly why I'm glad I don't leave in England.

And if it is true, you say Given was a prick because he..shrugged you off when he was plastered. How many times have you, has anyone, acted like pricks when they were smashed off their face?
all this about Given being a w*nker is suprising because my sister's fiancee is a chef and he cooked for him on saturday night and from what he's says Given is a decent family man. So i don't believe the OP's claims, i mean he said he was going to post pictures, but has failed to do so. Sad W.U.M
CTID_92 said:
all this about Given being a w*nker is suprising because my sister's fiancee is a chef and he cooked for him on saturday night and from what he's says Given is a decent family man. So i don't believe the OP's claims, i mean he said he was going to post pictures, but has failed to do so. Sad W.U.M

That's cause it's bullshit from a WUM.
I mean incredibly popular with the players, (Note the amount of them that were waiting outside the medical room in Upton park when he collapsed.)
Or the amount of people who've met the players, like at Newcastle when they said that they were all sound, especially Oba Martins and Given.
I've met the lad, I've met his family and they are gents. Like I said earlier you couldn't meet a nicer lad.
Sad, sad little Wum.

I mean constantly every time when he was praised for his brilliance in goal he'd always, be it with Ireland or Newcastle, always sas that the lads in front of him did well..etc. he just did his job..etc.

I mean he doesn't seem much like a prick here does he.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
svennis pennis said:
danny21manc said:
is there a way of adding pics on here? because i really wanna forward givens state for his horrible attitude...i have a pic with him with 3 bottles of stella in one hand and a shot in the other...absolute arrogant wanker he were

Go onto photobucket and set up an account. I want to see this.

Im sure Jo didnt use those exact words either. What did he say without the exaggeration?

even if this RAG did post the pictures i have just been on the website <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

And there is fooking loads of pictures of jo and various city players he could of just lied and posted one of these.

For example

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> jo second row fifth pic accros

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> shalum logan bottom row

he could have saved the pictures and uploaded them.
funny how the op of the other thread on this subject mentions swp & shay but not jo or any of the others. seems to me the op of this thread has just picked this story up and let his imagination run away with him. either that or he was so bladdered he was imagining things.
rassclot said:
funny how the op of the other thread on this subject mentions swp & shay but not jo or any of the others. seems to me the op of this thread has just picked this story up and let his imagination run away with him. either that or he was so bladdered he was imagining things.

Typical Of A Rag

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