City return 1/3 tickets

Unfortunately they will just sell them to Arsenal fans so it won’t help!! If it was a club like Wigan or someone who doesn’t fill their ground it might help
If someone was to take along a banner saying something about us refusing to pay for walcotts new contract that would be great.

Ten quid in the league cup last season was my limit, but it probably cost me more like £150 and that involved blagging a free hotel with a pal "on business"
Well done to my fellow Blues who are boycotting this Sunday’s fixture at Arsenal, with a third of our tickets being returned (I have no problem with Blues who are going to the Emirates, as it is a personal choice). Why should we pay £62 for a ticket? It’s a total rip off.

Yet Arsenal and their fans have sanctimoniously condemned City for our spending in the transfer market when our tickets are nowhere near as expensive as theirs: some are just over half as expensive as Arsenal’s £900 and some are far less. People like Wenger and many Arsenal fans tell us that we are “ruining football”, and that Arsenal are “self sustainable”. Sustainable by who? Fans who pay Sky subscriptions and fans paying rip off ticket prices, and the profits go into Arsenal Directors’ pockets (as their team gradually slides down the pecking order).

Arsenal season tickets are the most expensive in the country and are the last people to be lecturing anyone about “ruining football”, especially us.

Come on City. Stuff 'em.
Bloke from City supporters clubs coming on talksport shortly to put blues fans point
It's just pure greed. These clubs are not only pricing out the current generation of supporters, they don't appear to be giving any thought to where the next generation of supporters are coming from either. Even if kids tickets are priced more realistically, they still need someone to accompany them and at £62 for a ticket, that's not going to happen.
DannyBoy2890 said:
Kevin Parker on talkSPORT now
Came across very well and HnJ let him talk unlike some of the pratts on there who would have been shouting him down, are you listening Irani thats how to do an interview
This is old news we knew they were sending them back around 20th Dec. I had the joy of having to go and change mine at the ticket office as they had already sent mine out before making the decision.
The thing is, if they charged £45 per ticket and sold all 3000, they would make more money than selling 2100 at £62. So they're not even being greedy, just stupid.
Word from the Football Supporters' Federation
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... n-the-game</a>

Manchester-based Football Supporters Federation chairman Malcolm Clarke has urged the game's authorities to wake up to the growing resentment at massively inflated ticket prices or risk huge numbers of fans turning their backs on the game.

City have sent back over 900 tickets for Sunday's game at Arsenal after supporters elected not to pay £62 to attend.

The Blues' increased status within the English game means they have joined United, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal and Tottenham as clubs who - due to their attractiveness - routinely get charged the highest prices for tickets.

So, whilst Stoke fans must shell out £35.50 for their visit to the Emirates next month, Blues supporters were asked to dig much deeper.

Clarke believes there is no justification for such pricing structures and, with clubs set to pocket their share of the spoils from mega TV deals that, including overseas rights, have crashed through the £4billion barrier, has called for action.

"We have not done the final calculations but we estimate clubs could cut £32 off the cost of every single ticket purely from the increase in the TV pot this time around," he said.

"I know the clubs make the argument of needing the money to attract the biggest stars but I think I know what even Manchester City fans - with their large and enthusiastic following - would go for if they were given the choice of lower ticket prices or slightly worse players than they have now.

"There are many ways of measuring what is the best league. But if you look at the Bundesliga, where fans can attend matches for 15 Euros, stand up, have a pint if they wish, and even get a ticket for the metrolink, it seems the Premier League is short changing its own supporters.

"This business of categorising matches is blatantly unfair. Just because Manchester City have a lot of money doesn't mean their supporters have, and the same is true of the other teams who get charged the highest prices every time they play.

"And if they are starting to say enough is enough, and that in turn affects the atmosphere within the stadiums, will it retain its worldwide popularity? I am not so sure it will.

"This is a real test for the Premier League.

"They seem to think football is immune from the economic situation elsewhere. But it isn't. And how it responds - especially next year - will shape the game for years to come."

Clarke believes there is a risk of an entire generation being lost to the game.

For whilst many clubs cater for junior fans with lower ticket prices, those at school leaving age usually have to pay prices which make attending matches on a weekly basis impossible.

"According to the Premier League's own figures, the average age of fans is going up all the time," said Clarke.

"If it is far cheaper to spend the afternoon in the pub, where is the incentive to attend matches? And once people get out of the habit of going to games, it is not easy to get it back."

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