City Scouts - Be Prepared!!

SamTheGuru said:
Ducado said:
ITK information is part and partial of all major football forums (the term itself comes from a spurs forum) it really is up to you, we do get rid of many deliberate wind up merchants (you should have been here a few years ago).

But you always have a choice, the forum is separated into different subject areas,sp there is plenty more to read and discuss, if you feel so strongly about it, stay away from the transfer forum, no one is forcing you to read it.

I take everything with a pinch of salt, and I don't have a clue what the videos are about, but I still read the threads, there are worse things to get angry about in this world

Ducado....but there is a world of difference between people discussing potential transfers, digging up foreign stories, forecasting possibilities, ridiculing price tags, (all transfer related) etc, etc and posting childish youtube clips and claiming to know something which is so obviously bull crap. I don't particularly care, if that is what floats Tolmie's and everyone else's boat then let them do it but it is almost being encouraged and the transfer forum is becoming nothing but a little puzzle area;a breeding ground for the deluded. The transfer forum is simply not the place for it.

its transfer related bullshit or not!

the only puzzles you will se are in tolmies topics simple dont go in them.
glen quagmire said:
Judging the posts on this new thread. Alas, it seems people are finally putting tolmie in the same drawer as the clarkie, ALAN, cup tied jo and that blue and white fake shirt.

I thought that shirt looked the biz :)
leewill31 said:
SamTheGuru said:
Ducado said:
ITK information is part and partial of all major football forums (the term itself comes from a spurs forum) it really is up to you, we do get rid of many deliberate wind up merchants (you should have been here a few years ago).

But you always have a choice, the forum is separated into different subject areas,sp there is plenty more to read and discuss, if you feel so strongly about it, stay away from the transfer forum, no one is forcing you to read it.

I take everything with a pinch of salt, and I don't have a clue what the videos are about, but I still read the threads, there are worse things to get angry about in this world

Ducado....but there is a world of difference between people discussing potential transfers, digging up foreign stories, forecasting possibilities, ridiculing price tags, (all transfer related) etc, etc and posting childish youtube clips and claiming to know something which is so obviously bull crap. I don't particularly care, if that is what floats Tolmie's and everyone else's boat then let them do it but it is almost being encouraged and the transfer forum is becoming nothing but a little puzzle area;a breeding ground for the deluded. The transfer forum is simply not the place for it.

its transfer related bullshit or not!

the only puzzles you will se are in tolmies topics simple dont go in them.

that comment is so full of it, whilst missing the point people are making. To say dont look is the most pathetic argument i can think of, unless you are of course 12.

I love to read the all the stories, info, gossip. the problem is it all seems to be caught up in one of these pointless threads at present.

i like to hear the opinion of other blues as well as the transfer gossip that may or may not be true.

What i dont like is 15 pages of utter garbage along the lines of....

the songwritters step dads dog was from holland and once went to milan..... told you nerrrrrr

and that really is all that people do...

so in a nutshell, can we please fuck off the inane garbage people come up with at the slightest whaft of neil sedaka. so it may be possible at some point in time to come on this board without the usual

Youtube clip..... cue 20 pages of idiots saying they have guessed it

5 pages of ..Duhhhhh dunno.

40 pages of... the guy is full of it and knows nothing.

2 pages of his brother getting very angry indeed and threatening to murder at least one member

Now it happens every day, every week.... if these clips where of any value to anyone but himself and friends, then we wouldnt have the constant debate, because he would have proved it beyond doubt by now.

its not genius to see these clips are of no benefit to the transfer section at all, as they neither predict, or present any information. More so they can never be questioned because they are so vauge, for a reason of course, but he clearly posts other info direct with no hint of secrecy ???? funny that dont you think.

As Glenn suggests please put them in off topic, unless they mention a player and club then they are just fordder for the cross word and cryptic clue brigade. Thats is the point lots of people are making.

But of course its others with the problem
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
I really can't understand how a few cryptic but harmlessYouTube clips can piss people off.

You obviously missed this. Sums it up nicely:

SamTheGuru said:
there is a world of difference between people discussing potential transfers, digging up foreign stories, forecasting possibilities, ridiculing price tags, (all transfer related) etc, etc and posting childish youtube clips and claiming to know something which is so obviously bull crap. I don't particularly care, if that is what floats Tolmie's and everyone else's boat then let them do it but it is almost being encouraged and the transfer forum is becoming nothing but a little puzzle area;a breeding ground for the deluded. The transfer forum is simply not the place for it.

Robinho's Subbuteo said:
Still, if some people would rather the Transfer Forum was full of threads from 12 year olds who have just seen some player in some Italian/Spanish team for the first time and then posted "Hey, x looks a good player! Shall we sign him?" then just watch the popularity of the TF plummet.

Bollocks. Kindly point out where anyone has asked for threads from 12 year olds.

And I would add that posting cryptic clues and youtube videos as part of a Guess The Player's Name guessing game is just the sort of thing a 12 year old would do.

How ironic....
Anyone that spent last summer on the transfer forum knows that Tolmies youtube clips are worth having in mind..As are any comments from Danamy, Freestyler or Keith Moon to my knowledge.
sniff said:
leewill31 said:
SamTheGuru said:
Ducado....but there is a world of difference between people discussing potential transfers, digging up foreign stories, forecasting possibilities, ridiculing price tags, (all transfer related) etc, etc and posting childish youtube clips and claiming to know something which is so obviously bull crap. I don't particularly care, if that is what floats Tolmie's and everyone else's boat then let them do it but it is almost being encouraged and the transfer forum is becoming nothing but a little puzzle area;a breeding ground for the deluded. The transfer forum is simply not the place for it.

its transfer related bullshit or not!

the only puzzles you will se are in tolmies topics simple dont go in them.

that comment is so full of it, whilst missing the point people are making. To say dont look is the most pathetic argument i can think of, unless you are of course 12.

I love to read the all the stories, info, gossip. the problem is it all seems to be caught up in one of these pointless threads at present.

i like to hear the opinion of other blues as well as the transfer gossip that may or may not be true.

What i dont like is 15 pages of utter garbage along the lines of....

the songwritters step dads dog was from holland and once went to milan..... told you nerrrrrr

and that really is all that people do...

so in a nutshell, can we please fuck off the inane garbage people come up with at the slightest whaft of neil sedaka. so it may be possible at some point in time to come on this board without the usual

Youtube clip..... cue 20 pages of idiots saying they have guessed it

5 pages of ..Duhhhhh dunno.

40 pages of... the guy is full of it and knows nothing.

2 pages of his brother getting very angry indeed and threatening to murder at least one member

Now it happens every day, every week.... if these clips where of any value to anyone but himself and friends, then we wouldnt have the constant debate, because he would have proved it beyond doubt by now.

its not genius to see these clips are of no benefit to the transfer section at all, as they neither predict, or present any information. More so they can never be questioned because they are so vauge, for a reason of course, but he clearly posts other info direct with no hint of secrecy ???? funny that dont you think.

As Glenn suggests please put them in off topic, unless they mention a player and club then they are just fordder for the cross word and cryptic clue brigade. Thats is the point lots of people are making.

But of course its others with the problem

some of you take the transfer forum far to fucking serious!
leewill31 said:
sniff said:
leewill31 said:
its transfer related bullshit or not!

the only puzzles you will se are in tolmies topics simple dont go in them.

that comment is so full of it, whilst missing the point people are making. To say dont look is the most pathetic argument i can think of, unless you are of course 12.

I love to read the all the stories, info, gossip. the problem is it all seems to be caught up in one of these pointless threads at present.

i like to hear the opinion of other blues as well as the transfer gossip that may or may not be true.

What i dont like is 15 pages of utter garbage along the lines of....

the songwritters step dads dog was from holland and once went to milan..... told you nerrrrrr

and that really is all that people do...

so in a nutshell, can we please fuck off the inane garbage people come up with at the slightest whaft of neil sedaka. so it may be possible at some point in time to come on this board without the usual

Youtube clip..... cue 20 pages of idiots saying they have guessed it

5 pages of ..Duhhhhh dunno.

40 pages of... the guy is full of it and knows nothing.

2 pages of his brother getting very angry indeed and threatening to murder at least one member

Now it happens every day, every week.... if these clips where of any value to anyone but himself and friends, then we wouldnt have the constant debate, because he would have proved it beyond doubt by now.

its not genius to see these clips are of no benefit to the transfer section at all, as they neither predict, or present any information. More so they can never be questioned because they are so vauge, for a reason of course, but he clearly posts other info direct with no hint of secrecy ???? funny that dont you think.

As Glenn suggests please put them in off topic, unless they mention a player and club then they are just fordder for the cross word and cryptic clue brigade. Thats is the point lots of people are making.

But of course its others with the problem

some of you take the transfer forum far to fucking serious!

Well put, at least we all know how you feel. care to explain how its to serious ?

what for wanting transfer news ?

some of you are too dumb to realise when your being taken for fools, but thats your issue to deal with.
sniff said:
leewill31 said:
sniff said:
that comment is so full of it, whilst missing the point people are making. To say dont look is the most pathetic argument i can think of, unless you are of course 12.

I love to read the all the stories, info, gossip. the problem is it all seems to be caught up in one of these pointless threads at present.

i like to hear the opinion of other blues as well as the transfer gossip that may or may not be true.

What i dont like is 15 pages of utter garbage along the lines of....

the songwritters step dads dog was from holland and once went to milan..... told you nerrrrrr

and that really is all that people do...

so in a nutshell, can we please fuck off the inane garbage people come up with at the slightest whaft of neil sedaka. so it may be possible at some point in time to come on this board without the usual

Youtube clip..... cue 20 pages of idiots saying they have guessed it

5 pages of ..Duhhhhh dunno.

40 pages of... the guy is full of it and knows nothing.

2 pages of his brother getting very angry indeed and threatening to murder at least one member

Now it happens every day, every week.... if these clips where of any value to anyone but himself and friends, then we wouldnt have the constant debate, because he would have proved it beyond doubt by now.

its not genius to see these clips are of no benefit to the transfer section at all, as they neither predict, or present any information. More so they can never be questioned because they are so vauge, for a reason of course, but he clearly posts other info direct with no hint of secrecy ???? funny that dont you think.

As Glenn suggests please put them in off topic, unless they mention a player and club then they are just fordder for the cross word and cryptic clue brigade. Thats is the point lots of people are making.

But of course its others with the problem

some of you take the transfer forum far to fucking serious!

Well put, at least we all know how you feel. care to explain how its to serious ?

what for wanting transfer news ?

some of you are too dumb to realise when your being taken for fools, but thats your issue to deal with.

you will find im not defending the topics more wondering why you dumb asses take things to serious.

no one waffles that much bullshit as you just have whilst not taking an issue serious but hey as you say why don't you just deal with it!
S04 said:
Anyone that spent last summer on the transfer forum knows that Tolmies youtube clips are worth having in mind.

And since when did you speak on behalf of everyone who spent time on the transfer forum last summer?

leewill31 said:
some of you take the transfer forum far to fucking serious!

No, we just don't want childish crap with no substance polluting the transfer forum.

What next? Spot The Ball, with fbloke? Name That Tune, with Didsbury Dave?
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
S04 said:
Anyone that spent last summer on the transfer forum knows that Tolmies youtube clips are worth having in mind.

And since when did you speak on behalf of everyone who spent time on the transfer forum last summer?

leewill31 said:
some of you take the transfer forum far to fucking serious!

No, we just don't want childish crap with no substance polluting the transfer forum.

What next? Spot The Ball, with fbloke? Name That Tune, with Didsbury Dave?

countless times tolmie has explained why he does what he does like i say bullshit or not id say 85% of the forum members go with it and just enjoy the banter that comes with it,i just don't see why the few get so worked up about it.

its opinion fine just like im voicing mine but ffs dont you get headaches chasing a lost cause?

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