City scouts watching Elm (Update: Contacts with Elm)

Re: City scouts watching Elm today

Ireland8989 said:
elanos tumb said:
Are you Swedish?
It was reported last week that Elm was in Liverpool an talked to that scottish bastard

Jag tror inte Elm kommer välja att gå till city för att han är smart nog att inse att det är bättre att gå till en mindre klubb för hans egen utveckling. dock hoppas jag av hela mitt hjärta att city värvar honom för han kommer bli en riktigt grym spelare i framtiden!

Aha, en till svensk? Från?`Jag tror att han hellre kommer till oss än till Everton om jag ska vara ärlig
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

Project said:
Outrun said:
In the reserves? Seems strange buying £15m worth of players for that.

My point was more to the poster who said rather Elm than Delph.

But as I said yesterday I don't believe our midfield is anywhere near as strong as it could be from a squad perspective. We basically have no backup for Ireland and no backup for Barry. Arguably these two could be it. United and Chelsea have backup players who cost just as much. Absolutely nothing wrong in spending £15M on two fine prospects as young cover for our midfield, particularly if you have the money.

Agree the midfield is exposed if Ireland and Barry get injured; also we need to do some building for the future: the owners at some point will want a more sensible approach from an economic point of view.
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

You guys should watch out with the Swedish language, I don't think the mods like that. :P
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

elanos tumb said:
Ireland8989 said:
Jag tror inte Elm kommer välja att gå till city för att han är smart nog att inse att det är bättre att gå till en mindre klubb för hans egen utveckling. dock hoppas jag av hela mitt hjärta att city värvar honom för han kommer bli en riktigt grym spelare i framtiden!

Aha, en till svensk? Från?`Jag tror att han hellre kommer till oss än till Everton om jag ska vara ärlig

Nyköping, själv då?

the thing is i think moyes can garantee Elm a bigger part of the squad than we can, Everton always gives young players the chance look at Fellaini last season.
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

Outrun said:
You guys should watch out with the Swedish language, I don't think the mods like that.
That's not Swedish, that's Chef.
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

Outrun said:
You guys should watch out with the Swedish language, I don't think the mods like that. :P

sorry mate.

are you swede? just thinking because your sources is swedish newspapers?
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

Come on ! Elm !!

<a class="postlink" href=",19528,12876_5467027,00.html" onclick=";return false;">,19528, ... 27,00.html</a>

SSN Link !!

City enter Elm chase !!
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

Everton want Elm....

We want Lescott....

Everton are playing hardball re Lescott....

We enter the Elm race....
Re: City scouts watching Elm today

He looks like he needs a bloody good meal, I don't know about anything else.

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