City Square Stage Is No More :-( What Did You Think Of It And What It Offered?

Travelling out to the Etihad I see lots of pubs, all closed.

I think that the lack of open pubs in the area is nothing to do with conspiracy theories about MCFC and Manchester City Council.

It’s all down to the economics of running a pub with very few residents in the area. You can’t rely on revenue from around 25 home matches a season.

It could well be very different once the Arena is opened and more houses built?
The arena is open in Feb and loads of scope for bars serving people walking from the city centre
Especially if HS2 shuts the tram for 2 years as mooted
It will be running events four or five nights a week, rather than every fortnight or so when the football is on
No ‘conspiracy theories’ at all, it all happened. City and the council want all the spend contained in house to maximise revenue
Great to see the club going forward with new ideas and options pre and post game for supporters and visitors - we are a progressive club and setting the bar for others to follow...we dont stand still....I personally think CITY SQ had its day - I stopped going pre match when they binned "squeaky mclean" ..... looking forward to the future and what the club is offering as well as development bars at the new indoor co-op venue .... needs to be inclusive and hopefully have something for everyone (and cheap beer!)
Definitely need more seating
Lack of seats was the reason plenty of blues didn't embrace the old city square.
The pictures posted here…

…are a good way to show how it was all a bit ‘the wrong way round’, at CitySq.

Summerbees and the food area would be packed and too small to house everyone who wanted to stand and sit there yet there’d be this gigantic open space that would often be sparsely populated like those pictures^
Didn't they say that the refreshment areas in the new arena were going to be opened for use on match days...or did I dream it? If it is, might that provide more of a 'Boxpark' type experience for the more frisky types leaving the new fanzone as the family friendly area? Be difficult if there is an event on there, I suppose...
Yes will be open on match days, actually it will be open 7 days a week
Its idea was good but they didn’t really attract the right bands or guest. I would have thought they would target families more rather than hardcore supporters. They should have incorporated away fans more too.
One of the nights I thought it worked best as ‘content’ last season was when we played Arsenal in the FA Cup and Big Steve, I think it was, debated Robbie AFTV on the stage. But tbh I’ve never seen the pre-match entertainment as something that was meant to capture peoples attention for long periods of time. Seemed to me it was just about creating a uniquely City background atmosphere - Manc tunes, Manc presenters, bands trying to breakthrough - while Blues mill about before the game. Just like the view over Joe Mercer Way it was part of the matchday buzz. In that it succeeded imo. There was something I liked about getting off the tram or coming off the march from town and seeing this bright blue space alive with Blues and hearing ‘This Charming Man’ in the air and Natalie Pike on the mic. Definitely better than the stench of rank onions and phalanx of coppers around The Swamp on a matchday, however cheesy it was.
The pictures posted here…

…are a good way to show how it was all a bit ‘the wrong way round’, at CitySq.

Summerbees and the food area would be packed and too small to house everyone who wanted to stand and sit there yet there’d be this gigantic open space that would often be sparsely populated like those pictures^
To be fair those pictures aren't typical. You are correct thought the bar and food areas needed to be bigger and more seating.
The plans for the new City Square, or equivalent look brilliant. I enjoyed City Square, but as the weather in Manchester is shit for most of the football season the fact it was open air was a big draw back. I used to feel sorry for some of the guests and the presenters doing the interviews to only a small crowd. A covered area and bar etc would have made a big difference. Not sure why that wasn't done ages ago, as it wouldn't have taken a lot or been hugely expensive. Looking forward to the new set up though.
The arena is open in Feb and loads of scope for bars serving people walking from the city centre
Especially if HS2 shuts the tram for 2 years as mooted
It will be running events four or five nights a week, rather than every fortnight or so when the football is on
No ‘conspiracy theories’ at all, it all happened. City and the council want all the spend contained in house to maximise revenue
It will be fantastic at the stadium with dozens of new bars on site, plus the hotel. There are also more and more places opening up in Ancoats and the back of Piccadilly which are shorter walks to the stadium. It will improve everything and take pressure off the poor public transport. More people will stay around after the match to eat or drink.

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