City store pricing

I ordered shirt in town yesterday with printing to save rushing at lunch, told it'd be delivbered there at 7pm, available 9am next day. Went today, no delivery last night, none at 10am today and have to wait until tomorrow. Cheers Kit Bag!
Niall2407 said:
£40 at Sports Direct, and you also get free Premier League badges ;)

My mate works there and can get 15% discount on all products so the shirt would only cost £34. This saves me £11 but I prefer buying it from the actual city shop.

I thought that city were only going to sell through the official shop and not through other outlets or have they changed that stance ??
ctid.71 said:
Niall2407 said:
£40 at Sports Direct, and you also get free Premier League badges ;)

My mate works there and can get 15% discount on all products so the shirt would only cost £34. This saves me £11 but I prefer buying it from the actual city shop.

I thought that city were only going to sell through the official shop and not through other outlets or have they changed that stance ??

kitbag sell the merchandise now on behalf of city.they run the shop and have agreements with outlets that will now stock the blue stuff.
Kitbag have run the Citystores for the past 2 years, but now the exclusivity deal has ended so anyone Umbro want to deal with (within reason) they can do. That's why Mike Ashley is undercutting them, he does this all the time. That's why he is a billionaire.
Joe Louis said:
blue dallas said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
Exactly the sort of nonsensical and false reasoning that Garry Cook wants you to believe.

This sort of false logic is the green light for the increases in the prices of everything, and I mean everything, at City over the past two years and the increases that will no doubt come in future years.

Garry Cook - putting City fans first since 2008.

He must be, he is a well known "top bloke"
my seasoncard has gone up £80 in 5 years..
5 years ago i was watching stuart pearsce picking danny mills and corradi ???
do the math.

Two years ago, I renewed for £304 (18-21), a few days ago I renewed for £410 as an 18-21 (including the essentially enforced platinum fee).

Likewise my old man renewed for £478 in 2009, he renewed this year for £595 (again including the essentially enforced platinum fee).

That's an increase of £223 between us in two years. Now I pay for myself, but what of those fathers who have a young son who isn't self sufficient, and he has to bear the brunt of both increases?

Or those who have more than one child among their group?

It's a lot of money. The increases vary across the board, mine was just an example. But think of those who are currently in Level 2, a vast increase with few places to relocate to should they be unable to afford the increases.

The increases are there no matter how you excuse them, and they're only going to continue.

Next year I'll fall into the adult bracket, and there's a realistic possibility that I might not be able to afford a season ticket, and that's without considering there being another inevitable rise on the current adult's price.

Any suggestion that the increases shouldn't be a concern or a point of contention, is looking at it solely from your own selfish point of view. For every blue who needn't worry about the increases, there are two who'll struggle to renew. Particularly in this economic climate, and particularly those who have a family to consider.

Of course it's natural to expect increases as we've improved ten-fold as a side over the past 5 years. But the club has to recognise there's a limit to how far we can be stretched, if they follow the Chelsea model I genuinely fear for our fanbase.

Anecdotal, but look at how much our away support has suffered recently. Not only are we paying more at COMS, on our travels we've seen increase after increase as a result of our new found status as an big drawing attraction. As I said there's only so far we can be stretched, and this will continue to get worse.

Forget all the gimmicks, price is of sole importance to the match going fan, and the club must remember that when implementing new price structures and increases.

Go check how much they were when we first moved into coms. that should be game set match.
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Kitbag have run the Citystores for the past 2 years, but now the exclusivity deal has ended so anyone Umbro want to deal with (within reason) they can do. That's why Mike Ashley is undercutting them, he does this all the time. That's why he is a billionaire.
i thought kitbag had only just taken over the running of the shop and merchandise.
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Kitbag have run the Citystores for the past 2 years, but now the exclusivity deal has ended so anyone Umbro want to deal with (within reason) they can do. That's why Mike Ashley is undercutting them, he does this all the time. That's why he is a billionaire.

kitbag took over july/ august 2010 you are wrong Mr Gaudinho
chedinho said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Kitbag have run the Citystores for the past 2 years, but now the exclusivity deal has ended so anyone Umbro want to deal with (within reason) they can do. That's why Mike Ashley is undercutting them, he does this all the time. That's why he is a billionaire.
i thought kitbag had only just taken over the running of the shop and merchandise.

Yes you are right it was July last year, it must have been 1 year exclusivity, although I was convinced it was 2.
With no real football related matter to talk about at the moment due to peoples perception that we aren't going to sign anyone,why do so called city fans have to find fault,be it anything, to slag the club off about.

So the tops are a little dearer in the club shop. Get over it. I for one will always buy from the club so as to put my money into the club and not to some fat geordie pricks business or some bitter Wigan owners crumbling empire.!! Everyone always wants something for nothing! Really pisses me off

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