City to axe Mancini

FantasyIreland said:
nimrod said:
"Fantastic sense at last, great post" ????

Do me a fucking favour mate..

What this guy is saying is if you dont like what Mancini is doing shut the fuck up, dont post your views on a City forum......yeah fucking great post.....turn BM into a happy clapper site where everyone agrees with him, is that what you want ?

Why the fuck does it bother you so much that people have a different opinion than you FFS ?

It bothers me because such opinion is like a cancer eating away at the club,the vast majority are sick to the back teeth of reading and listening to the negativity and pessimism that some of you feel the need to inflict on others.
The irony being every time you manufacture an opportunity to woman and whinge,you're providing the press,and our rivals,with the ammunition to discredit and destabilise our club..... If that's the best support you can offer then i suggest you don't bother.


Give this guy a medal. Im SICK of all the negativity surrounding out club. Maybe we can have a 'Light side' and a 'dark side' of the forum so all the fooking whingers can stay with the other whingers.
We get enough negativity from the media without piling it on ourselves.

Lets see how the players respond and judge Manchini at the end of a season - or better still at the end of his contract!
deJong_Ones said:
Mancini is the future, i wish people would show their support in the face of the haters, idiots and uninformed who want to see us fail

I wish I could agree with you mate, but 2nd half Wolves did my head in, strolling around at 3 mph and lumping balls into their box just summed it all up for me that Mancini is the wrong guy and he doesnt know what he's doing.

But as Ive said its all just opinions, and people should be allowed theirs without condemnation, its not like Im stading outside COMS with a big feckin placard is it
Arry is Bent said:
cleavers said:
Why ?

Give us one reason, you know a FACT to support your bullshit.
Where did i say it was fact ?

Calm down.

It is my opinion.

I'll ask again....since you compel we MUST trust you....

One reason ? Go on....

I wouldn't trust your opinion if you were the chief fireman and my house was burning down, and you said we needed water to put it out.

You're a WUM simple as that.
cleavers said:
Arry is Bent said:
Where did i say it was fact ?

Calm down.

It is my opinion.

I'll ask again....since you compel we MUST trust you....

One reason ? Go on....

I wouldn't trust your opinion if you were the chief fireman and my house was burning down, and you said we needed water to put it out.

You're a WUM simple as that.
I didn't say you had to trust me did I mate ?

Brilliant, lets call somebody a WUM as I disagree with them.

If you don't like to read somebody elses opinion then I suggest you don't visit a football forum.

Failing that there is always the ignore feature which will allow you to ignore all my posts, something which I will now be doing with yourself.

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