City to axe Mancini

Blue Mooner said:
I accept you've got to be true to yourself, If you believe one thing you're not going to write something else. Although I try and stick to the mantra that if you've got nothing good to say don't say anything at all.

But, many things are how you want to view them. City have a big squad. Good or bad ? The press would have you believe it's bad because you can't keep players happy. I would have you believe it's good and an absolute necessity to be successful. (After all the rags have had a big squad for years)

Where I think you and I will never agree is that it won't affect results on the pitch. Maybe not your musings in isolation or even just this forum but the accumulated effect of negative after negative output across all media outlets will affect players on the pitch. Nothing surer.

Rooney is a great example, clearly with off field problems, resulting low confidence and poor performances.

Torres gets injured struggles and starts getting slated still not re-discovered his form.

If you hadn't seen either of them before you wouldn't go near them with a barge pole or believe that they were world class players.

Bale - low on confidence couldn't get a game at Spurs re-discovered his confidence and he looks awesome.

Constant negativity off the pitch will affect the players. There are so many examples where unrest off the pitch results in poor results. Portsmouth (pompey may have gone down anyway but certainly not by the amount they did) being a good example last year, Newcastle the year before that (now doing well with the same squad) and this year Liverpool. which is why I think City fans should think about the cumulative effect of their 'opinions' before they decide to spout off about 'alleged' goings on at the club.

I know this will have no effect on your view that the rumours, insinuations, inside leaks etc have no impact but I'm entitled to express my view as to why I believe yours and others postings do no favours for the hopes you have for the club.

Please feel free to convince me to the contrary, I'm all ears (metaphorically speaking)
My sentiments exactly,very well put,this is the message i tried to get across on another thread(where i was issued with a brief ban for my over exuberance shall we say....) i should have kept my mouth shut and left you to it,you've done a much better job!
Blue Mooner said:
Didsbury Dave said:
It's a forum.

Why not give your honest opinion about everything?

It won't make a scrap of difference to results on the pitch.

This is not Glasnost.

I accept you've got to be true to yourself, If you believe one thing you're not going to write something else. Although I try and stick to the mantra that if you've got nothing good to say don't say anything at all.

But, many things are how you want to view them. City have a big squad. Good or bad ? The press would have you believe it's bad because you can't keep players happy. I would have you believe it's good and an absolute necessity to be successful. (After all the rags have had a big squad for years)

Where I think you and I will never agree is that it won't affect results on the pitch. Maybe not your musings in isolation or even just this forum but the accumulated effect of negative after negative output across all media outlets will affect players on the pitch. Nothing surer.

Rooney is a great example, clearly with off field problems, resulting low confidence and poor performances.

Torres gets injured struggles and starts getting slated still not re-discovered his form.

If you hadn't seen either of them before you wouldn't go near them with a barge pole or believe that they were world class players.

Bale - low on confidence couldn't get a game at Spurs re-discovered his confidence and he looks awesome.

Constant negativity off the pitch will affect the players. There are so many examples where unrest off the pitch results in poor results. Portsmouth (pompey may have gone down anyway but certainly not by the amount they did) being a good example last year, Newcastle the year before that (now doing well with the same squad) and this year Liverpool. which is why I think City fans should think about the cumulative effect of their 'opinions' before they decide to spout off about 'alleged' goings on at the club.

I know this will have no effect on your view that the rumours, insinuations, inside leaks etc have no impact but I'm entitled to express my view as to why I believe yours and others postings do no favours for the hopes you have for the club.

Please feel free to convince me to the contrary, I'm all ears (metaphorically speaking)

I just can't get my head around this argument, and if there are a lot of people out there who think like this, then perhaps that explains why Bluemoon can be a nasty place to be sometimes. I say post what you honestly believe whether positive or negative, argue your case with fellow blues, but at all times respect each others point of view, and remember we're all blues on here who basically want the same thing. If Bluemoon ever becomes a place that only welcomes positive views it will slowly die, as people seek to have grown up discussion elsewhere.
Im happy to keep RM in the job but if he fails to get top 4 with the squad of players he has then serious questions should be asked at the end of the is arguabley one of the best squads in the prem but RM at present isnt getting the best out of it

he has done wonders with the defence but the attacking side of our play is severely is far too slow and that is down to the midfield system and balance that we have at the moment.....

axing him is not the answer....if we did it would just cause huge upheaval like it did when we got rid of MH....a new manager would want his own coaches/backroom staff and then would want his own players.....we would be back on teh rebuilding merry-a-go-round and it would take at least 12 months to come full circle again.

i think a couple of his buys are letting him down badly at the moment.

Milner has been very very average at best since his arrival and yaya looks like he is going to need a season to adapt. On top of that RM has been unlucky with injuries to balo, ade, kolorov and boateng (who looks like he will also take time to adapt as well)

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