City to be charged for booing Champions League jingle (anthem)

Now that it's broken on Sky Sports are you still pretending this?

When it comes to UEFA you should always remember this line from snatch 'You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity'

Well, they are all reporting the Daily Mail article, nothing from UEFA yet

I wouldn't be surprised if the story was true, but I don't take journalists too seriously.. especially those from Daily Mai and similar papers
Guess we'll agree to disagree, I feel it's pointless in the sense that it won't change anything. The fact that they are considering/implementing a fine shows that, more than willing to keep sticking it to us & the booing is now just another way for them to do that now.

Not against the booing by any means either, people can react how they like, fairly neutral about the whole thing.

Doesn't change the fact that it's entirely ridiculous how they're reacting. I'm sure we at least agree on that point.

Very much so, probably the worst thing they could have done tbh.
I didn't realise some were booing I thought they were saying bluuuuuueee hence showing support for the boys. Ah well, hearing as well as hair going

No, actually they were saying boo-urns.

Those adverts about racism did my head in last night shows they won't actually do sod all. All the steps they talked about take so long that no match will ever get cancelled. Dickheads.

I didn't boo last night because everytime I have we have lost and last night reinforced it!

Yeah don't tell us about racism tell the bloody Italians, Russians, Poles etc etc.
Uefa always seem reluctant to do anything to other clubs it seems, especially Italian clubs.
We get fined more for coming out late for a 2nd half than opposition fans do for making monkey chants
Get a telling off for singing "You're not incredible" and throwing paper planes and now this
Got to be a piss-take on behalf of this corrupt organization
Racism, match fixing...nah, that's OK......fuckin' 'ell, c'mon...

Like the idea of taping up our mouths as the anthem plays...

I really hate this competition
Great result last night and this news is the cherry on top of the cake. Funniest thing I have heard since Platini got busted. Every fucker will be booing it now...

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