City to be charged for booing Champions League jingle (anthem)

If it was pointless nobody would react in any way. At least this way UEFA are made very aware of our feelings about them. The fact this thread exists shows it is not pointless.
You mean it is not something you are arsed about maybe, also if it helps a person vent their frustration it is again not pointless.
Furthermore it is showing UEFA's colours more here with these toys out of pram type reactions of threats of fines etc.
Guess we'll agree to disagree, I feel it's pointless in the sense that it won't change anything. The fact that they are considering/implementing a fine shows that, more than willing to keep sticking it to us & the booing is now just another way for them to do that now.

Not against the booing by any means either, people can react how they like, fairly neutral about the whole thing.

Doesn't change the fact that it's entirely ridiculous how they're reacting. I'm sure we at least agree on that point.
We were derided in some parts of the media for being small-minded and not embracing the CL, whilst other parts were seemingly unaware of our issues.

In one unbelievably stupid move, UEFA have given us credibility and publicised our issues against them.

More importantly, it was starting to die out IMO, getting less and less loud each game.

UEFA have just ensured it never goes away and will be 10x as loud vs. Gladbach.
I didn't realise some were booing I thought they were saying bluuuuuueee hence showing support for the boys. Ah well, hearing as well as hair going
It's such a shite piece of mish-mashed music, trying to be something that it's not, that it's worth booing, if only for its dubious musical qualities.
If we did monkey noises over the anthem then it would be £2.50 and a packet of polos
I haven't bood the anthem yet - I didn't see the point. But now I'm booing every millisecond of that fucking anthem. Fuck em. Don't care if they kick us out of the tournament. They're cunts.
Those adverts about racism did my head in last night shows they won't actually do sod all. All the steps they talked about take so long that no match will ever get cancelled. Dickheads.

I didn't boo last night because everytime I have we have lost and last night reinforced it!

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