in my opinion car parking everywhere should be based on need. I know of quite a few blue badge owners who need to park close to where they want to go and facilities should be made available for them.Payment for parking is another thing! If someone is on a benefit which is specifically designed for people who are considered to be in financial difficulty (and in work or considered medically unable to work) then parking should be free for them. I do not see a need to allow people, who are financially stable, to park free when everyone else (working or retired) have to pay. the only concern for disabled people should be to provide parking as near as possible to the place they want to go.
Interesting the £200 fuel allowance has been discontinued for pensioners except for those on certain benefits. It is only yesterday that the government stated that they consider the State Pension a "benefit" even though pensioners have payed into the system ( which is in reality an insurance policy) for up to 40 years. On this logic maybe all pensioners should get free parking everywhere?
Just my opinion!!