City v Arsenal Post Match Thread

One positive for Arsenal Ozil has added to his assist tally (Fernandihno). So the Gonners can come on and tell us
how he is so much better than Merlin. phttttt.
Kind of remined me of those nature documentaries on the African savannah. A mommy cheetah captures a small antelope, doesnt kill it but toys with it in order to teach her babies how to hunt. Then, she kills it.

Or: Leighton would apprecite this kind of like when Ali Fought Floyd Patterson in 66 I think. Toyed with him. Whats my name??? Whats my name???
Re: Ozil

What an absolute mard arse this guy was at the end of the game then, no class or respect.

I'd be fucking livid with him if I was an arsenal fan
Awesome passing on the break and a great team performance, just too powerfull for the Arse.
Actually I thought Jesus coming on or should I say ascending, made a big difference to our tempo, he is a super star.
Brilliant absolutely brilliant
Sergio and Ned unplayable, Yaya and Fern imperious, Vinny outstanding.

Nasri excellent, Demichelis's best game, Clichy back to his best, Zaba like Zaba.

And then there's David - not another player in the league fit to lace his boots.

Good times coming.
didnt pellers say after the spurs game that we couldnt attack any better than we did that day.............well the answer to that is YES WE FOOKIN CAN MATE!
This is comedy gold on the City v Arsenal highlights thread on Rojadirecta - some plastic cockwomble rag , who should be watching badminton and with a Bryan Briggs avatar wrote this unsurpassed classic which I shall translate

Muchos goles pero a mi no me ha gustado el partido.

Ambos equipos han estado bastante mal excepto el City en algunos momentos del partido. Al Arsenal le falto intensidad en todas las lineas, prueba de esto es que no llegaban a ningun rebote, siempre ganaba el City los balones divididos y peleados.

Lots of goals but I didn´t enjoy the game
Both teams were poor - then talks about le Arse lack of intensity .. blah fookin blah

They are embarrassing - and they are shitting bricks watching that

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