City v England quandry

MCFC1993 said:
Can anyone tell me why we must have every game at wembley? quote]

A) It's the national football stadium.

B) It cost about £800,000,000 to build and needs paying for.
I've never been arsed about England, but I wouldn't go as far as to say I hated them. The only time my feelings for the national team rose above indifference was when it was overrun with Rags and Boy Band Beckham was captain. I can't fuckin stand Beckham and the media circus that surrounded him and consequently didn't watch an England international for years until Manchester City players started playing for the national team again and even then it was only to see how our players performed.

The England team do not and have never equalled the sum of their parts, but the last thing I wanted was for the nation to start blaming the new influx of Manchester City players just because England were a constant source of disappointment. Then there's the risk of injury to our players for meaningless internationals!! TBH, I'm not against internationals, its just that I think they should just be restricted to tournaments.

The most fervent England supporters seem to come from small towns like Scarborough, Northampton or Hartlepool where most of the fans have lukewarm support for their local team and mostly support one of the big teams from another city (typical Rags etc) so taking the chance of legitimately supporting an international team of superstar players is chance not to be missed for most of them.

As for me personally, I haven't got the emotional capacity and love to spare to support more than one team, and that one team is Manchester City........
For me City every time, it doesn't mean I don't want England to win but for one I want an end to these pointless friendlies where our players can get injured for the sake of twatter's ego.

Say, for the sake of arguement, Michael Johnson had fulfilled his potential and gone on to be City and England captain I would want both teams to win in every competitive game.

I would still not want us to use proven internationals in "Friendly" games, these do not matter play players who have not played in the national side to see how they manage (maybe there is an argument for keping the spine of the side in place for these games) but it is just such a good oppurtunity to see how untried players do that I cannot see why sucessive England managers have failed to follow the German's example...............who cares if you lose a match that counts for nothing if you learn something about your upcoming players.

Of course the FA might not make so much money if we did that which answers every question I asked!
The Holland game was the 1st England game at home I have missed in 6 years and to be honest now I have broken the match going run I am unlikely to attend again, well at least while City are in Europe anyway. The main reason is cost but overall enjoyment is also a huge factor.

I have done all the Euro City trips this season and every one of them have been quality, the only England away game that I have attended that would even compare would have been Croatia away (Walcott hatrick 4-1), that was a quality game and atmosphere to add. The vast majority of the games are very very dour in atmosphere, especially at Wembley.

I love being English and wouldn't want to be from any other country, following England was my way of showing my patriosm and tbh I will miss the away games where fans from all over the country end up in some hole usually in eastern europe, all with their flags and pride in following the country. We are the biggest followed nation in regards numbers attending in the world, that to me is something to be proud of.

I imagine being there if England did well or even lifted the world cup would be one of the best things ever to experience, unfortunately with the World Cups being in South Africa, Brazil, Russia & Qatar it is just a little too expensive for me to afford whilst City are enjoying a period of which I have never known. Hand on heart I'd say seeing in the flesh England lift the World Cup would move me more than seeing City win the league or Champions League.

However like I say, the vast majority of the games are dull and don't compare to any City game whether in the league or in any of the cups but the World Cup final would be something else.
The atmosphere in England would obviously be euphoric if we won the world cup/euros, and would be great to be a part of. But I would be more euphoric regarding city's success, if it happens- that is far more important to me.
I want England to do well, and I get involved when it comes to the major tournaments, but in friendly's i just want to see a good game, and if the other team has city players on it, or even players I like I hope they perform well too. For example, if it was England v Holland and De Jong and Parker went for a 50-50 I would probably be happy if De Jong won it- I am more allied to him than I am to Parker.
In a major tournament, of course, I would be more supportive of England, and want the England player to win.

And as a number of people have suggested on here, there are too many players for England who I just really despise- Terry and Rooney being the key examples. I previously hated the manager, and was really irritated by his consistent leaving out of Richards. All these led me to lose interest in England. Perhaps with a new regime things will be different; I actually quite enjoyed the game on Wednesday.

City over England, though, ALWAYS.
tidyman said:
MCFC1993 said:
Can anyone tell me why we must have every game at wembley? quote]

A) It's the national football stadium in the South of England.

B) It cost punters about £800,000,000 to go to a game
supporting your country should bring the nation together. what nation. 2 other things, i could never support terry, cole, camel gob and rooney they are all scum and the other reason i have stopped watching england most players have served their time to get to the top but it seems if your a rag that is enough to get a cap
I look to see how our players are doing for their international teams and am pleased when they do well because their achievements playing for their country's reflects well on us as a club... but give me City and City's reserves over England any day of the week!
buckshot said:
A lot of American scum fans I know actually support England over the US when it comes to internationals which is beyond stupid if you ask me.

As for me, I'd rather see City win any day over the US but I do get some pleasure out of watching us win. We don't have any horrible assholes in our squad like England and I'd like to see the game get bigger here so maybe someday I'll be able to see one or two Americans lift a trophy for City.

Thats a first for me over here, I have only ever found them totally patriotic although most admit to England being their 2nd favourite team along with Italy sometimes.....<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:18 am --<br /><br />
The Holland game was the 1st England game at home I have missed in 6 years and to be honest now I have broken the match going run I am unlikely to attend again, well at least while City are in Europe anyway. The main reason is cost but overall enjoyment is also a huge factor.

I have done all the Euro City trips this season and every one of them have been quality, the only England away game that I have attended that would even compare would have been Croatia away (Walcott hatrick 4-1), that was a quality game and atmosphere to add. The vast majority of the games are very very dour in atmosphere, especially at Wembley.

I love being English and wouldn't want to be from any other country, following England was my way of showing my patriosm and tbh I will miss the away games where fans from all over the country end up in some hole usually in eastern europe, all with their flags and pride in following the country. We are the biggest followed nation in regards numbers attending in the world, that to me is something to be proud of.

I imagine being there if England did well or even lifted the world cup would be one of the best things ever to experience, unfortunately with the World Cups being in South Africa, Brazil, Russia & Qatar it is just a little too expensive for me to afford whilst City are enjoying a period of which I have never known. Hand on heart I'd say seeing in the flesh England lift the World Cup would move me more than seeing City win the league or Champions League.

However like I say, the vast majority of the games are dull and don't compare to any City game whether in the league or in any of the cups but the World Cup final would be something else.

Having been lucky enough to attend the last 2 WC's in Germany and SA, the atmosphere is brilliant and especially in SA when i stayed the whole time in Cape Town and to see the throng of English fans come into town was incredible and give me a huge sense of pride. The only downside for me is the actual games where they pretty much always let me and the whole country of course down big-time the bunch of arrogant, over-paid prima donna's !! For the fans reason alone i am already planning on meeting all the lads in Brazil in 2014!!

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