City v Liverpool Post Match

Mister Appointment said:
taconinja said:
Mister Appointment said:
I've got a real problem with this - it's not the first time it's happened. You can see that the team is just so used to attacking and moving into spaces further and further up the pitch, that when we do need to sit tight like that for 10 minutes, we inevitably end up looking worse defensively than we do when we're attacking at full throttle. We could've and should've buried them when Dinho came on. Passed through them and scored one or two more. Instead everyone decided it was time to play hoof ball. Bizarre and unnecessary with that many ball players on the pitch.
This will perhaps sound odd, but I think we didn't adjust well once Sterling went off and Sturridge moved to our left side. Clichy moved farther up the pitch instead of dropping back as far as he had when Sterling was in the game, and that left MDM one-on-one with Sturridge and that cost us.

I'll have to watch that again - didn't jump out at me at the time. I'm really looking forward to seeing Mangala play. That left hand side has been a bit of a problem for years now. It'll be interesting to see how having someone who is very quick and technically very good play alongside Clichy/Kola will help them.
We adjusted after the goal. Shame we didn't do better quicker, but it's early days. You never want a forward one-on-one with a central defender. Kompany almost got skinned once too when he was stranded but the angle was bad and no one made a run into the box for them thankfully. That's where they missed Suarez.

Mister Appointment said:
Another thing - as against Newcastle I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that what we see as 442 is actually 4312 with Silva and Nasri alternating between who makes up the third man in midfield and who goes looking for the space in between the lines.
And with Jovetic in the side, it's almost a 4-5-1 of sorts.
Great performance,first 30 minutes wanst the best, we had some counter chances but opted not to try it, also lost a lot of balls but did defend at the back, last season we got behind both Pool games, this year we were more steady in first 30-35 minutes where Pool usually stronger in all of their games vs anyone given they start on a high tempo.

After that we started to click, few good movements upfront, creating space etc, and then we became even better.

Good and important 3 points.

Pool wasnt as great as they were last season, its clear Suarez is huge miss they will miss him more than we would Silva and we miss Silva too when he is out.
Not just the goals of Suarez but all the assists, interplay, pace etc.

Also Rodgers have a huge job getting the defensive side of Pool right, that is probably number one job for him to improve Pool, where they have big problems is the midfield, defence doesnt get the needed help, and a defence that is not ready and very stable like their need lot more help than an old Gerrard sitting deep and Henderson running around.

But that is their problem, really liked Silva, Zaba, Jovetic. Nasri started awfully but he improved hugely after 30 minutes and finished the game really well.

Beat Stoke next time, that is 9 points even if that means no more points than we had from same fixtures, but after that Arsenal away and Chelsea home both will be fixture we didnt win last season, thats where we can improve and hopefully we will.
Henkeman said:
oman0115 said:
Anyone pick up on Tyler for the second goal. It was a sensational piece of play all round, retain possession, clever flick, pinpoint cross and delicious finish, Tyler's comments "when it's going your way that happens" like it was a scruffy Rag like goal involving a cross and 3'deflections. Then Smith pipes up with "the challenge is to retain the title like Manchester United have done so many times" the bias is beyond belief. Are they briefed to be like this or is it just sheer hatred for City?

Not really sure that can be levelled at Smith. He's one of the few who consistently purrs about City.

Geoff Shreeves though, always like a nodding dog at clubs like Liverpool utd etc, looking for acceptance and friendship. You can see his head up and down like a yoyo
cleavers said:
Fernando is just what we needed, yes it will take him a little time to get up to speed in the PL, its way quicker than he's used to, but the signs are very good for me.

'Up to speed' ??

He was MOTM for me - an awesome display of midfield dominance.
we have so many more gears to hit, yet we beat them so comfortably, and even with some, let's say, slightly uncomposed clearances at times, they never really threatened us till it was immaterial anyway, and we stepped it up when we needed to.

We're so far ahead of them now the rest of the prem should be scared.
Mister Appointment said:
oakiecokie said:
Henkeman said:
Not really sure that can be levelled at Smith. He's one of the few who consistently purrs about City.

I watched the game this morning and overall Smith had nothing but praise for City and as you say,he really does think we`re the bees knees.

Disagree. I'm not really an "agenda" sort of guy, but honestly if anyone believes that the commentary would've been the same were it United putting Liverpool to the sword or Arsenal even, then they're just wrong. The biased and negative nature of the commentary from both of them was beyond the pale from so called neutrals. Actually I can only speak for the first half, because second half I watched the local broadcast rather than the English one because I was sick of listening to those two muppets talk down everything we did.

Absolute crap !! Tyler maybe.Smith NO !!!!
Tyler talked non stop about liverpool and was very underwhelmed at our goals as usual,he is always the same for our games except the obvious time
FantasyIreland said:
cleavers said:
Fernando is just what we needed, yes it will take him a little time to get up to speed in the PL, its way quicker than he's used to, but the signs are very good for me.

'Up to speed' ??

He was MOTM for me - an awesome display of midfield dominance.
I thought he played well too, it wasn't a criticism, what I meant was up to the pace of the PL, so his challenges for example are well timed.
taconinja said:
Mister Appointment said:
taconinja said:
This will perhaps sound odd, but I think we didn't adjust well once Sterling went off and Sturridge moved to our left side. Clichy moved farther up the pitch instead of dropping back as far as he had when Sterling was in the game, and that left MDM one-on-one with Sturridge and that cost us.

I'll have to watch that again - didn't jump out at me at the time. I'm really looking forward to seeing Mangala play. That left hand side has been a bit of a problem for years now. It'll be interesting to see how having someone who is very quick and technically very good play alongside Clichy/Kola will help them.
We adjusted after the goal. Shame we didn't do better quicker, but it's early days. You never want a forward one-on-one with a central defender. Kompany almost got skinned once too when he was stranded but the angle was bad and no one made a run into the box for them thankfully. That's where they missed Suarez.

Mister Appointment said:
Another thing - as against Newcastle I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that what we see as 442 is actually 4312 with Silva and Nasri alternating between who makes up the third man in midfield and who goes looking for the space in between the lines.
And with Jovetic in the side, it's almost a 4-5-1 of sorts.

4-1-3-2 with Fernando in the team.

Worked well for England in '66

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