I agree that Fowler has the highest potential ceiling among the younger players, and I also think she will eventually leave. I also happened to disagree with the Club’s philosophy because it is hurting the women’s team for several years now. If what you wrote is true, the owners with all respect should not interfere with playing strategies. The norm is that each coach should play to the strength of the players, or alternatively the coach should be able to train the players to play a specific strategy, and neither is happening with the women’s team since this coach became in charge. It is not a secret that Gareth Taylor has persistent limitations and can’t improve, and therefore he failed to transform his players to fit the “unified” playing strategy, which is the one that Guardiola uses. That, despite having an excellent squad during most of his tenure. Gareth Taylor is not Guardiola and we are not Barcelona, as simple as that. To my understanding, he had similar issues when he was in charge of one of the boys teams, and also the boys didn’t like him. My guess, and I acknowledge it is just a guess, the Club keep him around because he is “a yes man” who agrees on everything he is asked to do. They don’t want a more capable coach with personality and guts who might give them hard time. What you wrote about the owners’ interference in how the teams should play, again if true, is concerning and further supports the idea of keeping a yes man. We don’t have to be Barcelona or any other club because we can be extremely successful by just being ourselves and do whatever is suitable for us. We should try to create our own legacy and not imitate/repeat Barcelona’s legacy or any other club. I wonder if it will be good when Fowler leaves to specifically join Barcelona at the end. I guess the Club wouldn’t care because the most important thing is that we should imitate Barcelona at all expenses, and have all our teams play a similar strategy.