CITY v Sunderland - Official Match Thread

I think i might go and ram a barbed wire steel spike up my arse hole, less painful than watching our defence!
Chippy_boy said:
keemcfc said:

Lets have a season were we beat Arsenal and Chelsea but draw/loose to everyone else in the league, Im sure we'd finish to 4 if we dit that! brilliant idea!

It shouldn't go unnoticed that Chelsea have won 1 in 5. Beating them was more about their form than ours.

Was joking chaps, thought it was obvious!
djelanomcfc said:
YungJoshiiMcFc said:
is it hughes fault or defense is shit?!"

The constant terrible mistakes can't all be blamed on Hughes. They act as though they haven't ever seen a ball. A WHOLE NEW DEFENCE IN JANUARY I THINK.

yes it can
When seeing our defense it makes you wonder what they train on the whole friggin' week.
No improvement whatsoever, I do blame Hughes for this he needs to sort this mess out!
Unbelievable how the 2-0 lead has been thrown away.

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