City v Sunderland Pre Match Thread (CoC Final)

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Dzainer said:
chris85mcfc said:
Dzainer said:
I would go with






I don't rate Fernandinho either :)

I do rate him a lot, just think that cup final ain't a place to gain match fitness.. that can't be said about aguero because he already showed that he can play straight from recovery vs blackburn

and Garcia seems to be in a pretty good shape too, was great against chelsea and stoke (wish he would play in barca game)
I was pretty impressed with Fernandinho's 90 mins v Barcelona in his first game back from injury, has he been injured again since?
Dinho and Garcia in the middle with Yaya pushed up further for me, need a bit of power in attacking midfield for this one.
If Aguero is fit, I'd like to see us go with the following:

Zabaleta - Kompany - Lescott - Kolarov
Navas - Yaya Toure - Fernandinho - Silva
Aguero - Negredo

If Aguero isn't fit, I'd like to see us do this:

Zabaleta - Kompany - Demichelis - Clichy
Javi Garcia/Milner - Fernandinho
Nasri - Yaya Toure - Silva

I'd been thinking about it for a while now - ever since the second half against Arsenal in the 6-3, actually - and it seems to me that Negredo can't quite do it on his own. It's surprising really, because he has all the attributes required for a striker asked to lead the line - but Jesus Christ, he can't do it. He goes missing completely in games without Aguero and doesn't take advantage of the space Aguero usually makes for him. So, if there's no Aguero, I'd be tempted to leave Negredo out of this completely and give him a week off. Dzeko was poor against Stoke, but giving him the occasion at Wembley might make him hungrier.

As for the changing around in defence in accordance with Aguero's inclusion, don't worry. If Aguero is fit, we go for it and pray Sunderland buckle under the pressure. If we don't have Aguero, we keep a steady back line with Garcia or Milner covering in front of them, push Yaya Toure forward to compensate for Aguero's absence and let Dzeko lead the line how he did against Bayern Munich. If Aguero and Jovetic don't make it, and we go 4-4-2, I'm fearing another kind of Stoke game coming on.

We should win. But we should win every game. Sunderland are going to be up for this because it's a cup final and they know they can beat us if they hit us in the right places. They do have players who can cause us problems through sheer physicality and work ethic (Bardsley, Larsson, Altidore) and will be encouraged after their recent run under Gus Poyet. It's a cup final: anything can happen and probably will. I'm just happy to have yet another day at Wembley!

If we win the final, I think this will be one of the largest steps we take as a fanbase in moving on from Mancini. This will be Pellegrini's first trophy in his first season at City, should we win the game, and it might just convince those who still believe Mancini was the best thing for the club to change their allegiances. It was difficult to see Mancini go after all the fantastic work he'd done for us in putting our name on the map, but we had to move on for the sake of the future of the club. Mancini was the one break in the circuit because he wasn't willing to work in tandem with Txiki - Pellegrini is that type of man and we're looking much better for it as an organisation, we're a lot slicker. Let's hope we can put that to work on Sunday and get us a trophy!
"We all ate cats & cats & cats"
cats & cats & cats & even more cats!
Lets hope it's meooooow's we're up against & not the aggressive sort:) CTID
aguero93:20 said:
Dzainer said:
chris85mcfc said:
I don't rate Fernandinho either :)

I do rate him a lot, just think that cup final ain't a place to gain match fitness.. that can't be said about aguero because he already showed that he can play straight from recovery vs blackburn

and Garcia seems to be in a pretty good shape too, was great against chelsea and stoke (wish he would play in barca game)
I was pretty impressed with Fernandinho's 90 mins v Barcelona in his first game back from injury, has he been injured again since?
Dinho and Garcia in the middle with Yaya pushed up further for me, need a bit of power in attacking midfield for this one.

I'd agree with that with our strikers mis-firing - but MP will know best.
GazM said:
aguero93:20 said:
Dzainer said:
I do rate him a lot, just think that cup final ain't a place to gain match fitness.. that can't be said about aguero because he already showed that he can play straight from recovery vs blackburn

and Garcia seems to be in a pretty good shape too, was great against chelsea and stoke (wish he would play in barca game)
I was pretty impressed with Fernandinho's 90 mins v Barcelona in his first game back from injury, has he been injured again since?
Dinho and Garcia in the middle with Yaya pushed up further for me, need a bit of power in attacking midfield for this one.

I'd agree with that with our strikers mis-firing - but MP will know best.

Fernandinho is as important to the way we play as Aguero is IMO. He presses the ball and closes the opposition quickly. If he doesn't play your left with Yaya and Garcia in midfield which will ensure the game is played at snails pace.

He doesn't need match fitness, he's a naturally fit footballer and played 90 minutes against Barca, I think the 60 minutes he played against Stoke was planned and all with the final in mind.

If he doesn't start id be astonished.
Heres my 2 penneth
Zabaleta - Kompany - Lescott Kolarov
Javi Garcia/Milner - Fernandinho
Nasri - Yaya Toure - Silva

Would be great not to have to risk Aguero
Other 2 strikers are struggling but Dzeko just gets the nod for me
Other centre half is a tough choice Joleon gets it for me as I think Sunderland will pose an aerial threat.
m32blue said:
Heres my 2 penneth
Zabaleta - Kompany - Lescott Kolarov
Javi Garcia/Milner - Fernandinho
Nasri - Yaya Toure - Silva

Would be great not to have to risk Aguero
Other 2 strikers are struggling but Dzeko just gets the nod for me
Other centre half is a tough choice Joleon gets it for me as I think Sunderland will pose an aerial threat.
we don't mate
m32blue said:
Heres my 2 penneth
Zabaleta - Kompany - Lescott Kolarov
Javi Garcia/Milner - Fernandinho
Nasri - Yaya Toure - Silva

Would be great not to have to risk Aguero
Other 2 strikers are struggling but Dzeko just gets the nod for me
Other centre half is a tough choice Joleon gets it for me as I think Sunderland will pose an aerial threat.
I can't see Kun starting for the life of me. Pellegrini said last time that 90minutes against Watford was what did for him last time because if we weren't in that ridiculous position of being 0-2 down he would have been bringing him off after about an hour. There's no way on Earth he'll rush him in to start on Sunday.

I want Lescott to play with Kompany at CH too.
I am really surprised at people thinking that it is not a good idea to play Fernandinho. He is the engine in this team and we struggle without him. For me, with Aguero fit (fingers crossed), I would have the following team...


other than Clichy, this has proved to be our strongst team this season. But with A.Johnson steaming down that right wing, we need the better defender rather than an attacking wing-back.

If Aguero isn't fit, I agree that Negredo would probably go missing on his own up front, but I would still play him but with Silva behind him in the same position that he played against Barca. Dzeko's shooting has been atrocious for some time now and I wouldnt feel confident with him being our main goal threat. I would go with something like this...

bluemooninho said:
I am really surprised at people thinking that it is not a good idea to play Fernandinho. He is the engine in this team and we struggle without him. For me, with Aguero fit (fingers crossed), I would have the following team...


other than Clichy, this has proved to be our strongst team this season. But with A.Johnson steaming down that right wing, we need the better defender rather than an attacking wing-back.

If Aguero isn't fit, I agree that Negredo would probably go missing on his own up front, but I would still play him but with Silva behind him in the same position that he played against Barca. Dzeko's shooting has been atrocious for some time now and I wouldnt feel confident with him being our main goal threat. I would go with something like this...


Don't worry about it mate, there are some people that probably still think he's in the same class as Gareth Barry.

As important if not more important than Aguero.
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