City v United Beijing friendly pre match - CANCELLED

It's been an absolute joke for a few years now. Playing on stupid septic baseball pitches and picking up injuries, playing on appalling Far East pitches that dig up and picking up injuries, flying all over the world and picking up injuries when we should be preparing for the season.

Leicester went to Austria for some training and played teams like York and Lincoln at home last Summer.
I thought they went to Thailand and got into some trouble.
I actually think we should play a domestic friendly as a matter of course, for various reasons, some of them benevolent, but it doesn't shame me that we don't.

The only thing that's shamed me as a City fan was the whole piss sinking episode at Wembley in 2014. I've never felt quite the same about the club since.
2014? What are you referring to?
It's not like we're just going into a normal season though. We haven't qualified for the Champions League yet and have to play the qualifiers soon.

True enough. But I'm still not too concerned.
The general consensus seems to be that, had the game gone ahead today, it would probably have been played at snail's pace with players doing all they could to avoid injury. I'm not sure that that would have helped us greatly in our preparations for the CL qualifier.
I'm also not convinced, as a general point, of the overriding importance of getting as much 'game time' as possible in pre-season - certainly not over and above dedicated, high intensity work on the training ground.
It's been an absolute joke for a few years now. Playing on stupid septic baseball pitches and picking up injuries, playing on appalling Far East pitches that dig up and picking up injuries, flying all over the world and picking up injuries when we should be preparing for the season.

Leicester went to Austria for some training and played teams like York and Lincoln at home last Summer.
I think we are already committed to tour the US next year....

I remember that stupid Premier League trophy game in Asia where Nastasic did his ankle ligaments , the pitch was like the Baseball ground in mid January...

I'm glad that this has been called off, there was nothing to gain playing the scum in pre season , insane decision
True enough. But I'm still not too concerned.
The general consensus seems to be that, had the game gone ahead today, it would probably have been played at snail's pace with players doing all they could to avoid injury. I'm not sure that that would have helped us greatly in our preparations for the CL qualifier.
I'm also not convinced, as a general point, of the overriding importance of getting as much 'game time' as possible in pre-season - certainly not over and above dedicated, high intensity work on the training ground.
Getting the squad together in order to get to know each other is just as important the games they actually play. Like you say, the training side will be as good a preparation as a slow moving game where players would be subject to poor conditions and unlikely be able to play much football anyway.

It'd be nice to fit another couple of games in but certainly nothing to worry about.
People underestimate how valuable actual game time is for clubs, especially with a new manager. You can coach defensive tactics over and over in a training session and look fantastic but it means squat if it takes 5/6 matches to see the benefits of it. We need a fast start in the league this season and I fear we will be caught out if we don't find another match or two to play personally.
We had the fastest start possible in the league last season but we still only finished 4th. We were 8th in November during Pellegrini's first season but we ended up winning the league on points.

We just need to be there or thereabouts come the end of March. Same as every other season.
I think we are already committed to tour the US next year....

I remember that stupid Premier League trophy game in Asia where Nastasic did his ankle ligaments , the pitch was like the Baseball ground in mid January...

I'm glad that this has been called off, there was nothing to gain playing the scum in pre season , insane decision
Another shit Summer next year then.

I think we've had four players injured on US tours in the past haven't we? Yaya and Delph certainly spring to mind on baseball pitches.

We should be in the Alps in Switzerland playing on carpet pitches at ready made football training complexes and maybe some warm weather training in the Med and a few games at home (play Celtic in Dublin at the Aviva and a few others or something)

Fuck the US off, fuck the Far East off, make the team the priority.

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