That was an absoulte shambles. I took my 10 year old down we queued for over an hour and half and rather than open the gates and do the security checks and let people in safely our fans went full scouse and just barged past any body in their way. How nobody got injured was a miracle. We left after 10 minutes as bellend after bellend forced their way past women and kids so they could get their social media shots. We got out and got a position on the parade route and after another hour word broke that the route had changed the barriers parted and chaos began. The police then forced the crowd back on horse back, this helped cause crushing and alot of very frightened kids and parents. We got 2 minutes of parade and i now have a little boy who should have had an afternoon of happy memories instead of tears and genuine fear. Manchester council have alot to answer for and so do some of our fans.