City Vs Arsenal Pre Match Discussion Thread

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The one time I don't shout for Lescott to get his head on a corner and he scores. Get in Joleon!
Need a couple more, going on how the gods are looking down on us at the moment! Then again maybe even that won't be enough! If it looks like we will get a clean sheet we'll probably score an OG!
arguably Edin has been better than Sergio (tired I assume) - lets see how it turns out. Sergio looked ragged.
Difference between us and Utd this year. That bounced great for Arsenal. if it was Utd it would have bounced anywhere but to them but we only have ourselfs to blame for sloppy play<br /><br />-- Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:52 pm --<br /><br />1-1 FT
Sloppy passing again and some sloppy play all round including a foul throw in near the end. Had a few chances to snatch it but Arsenal were the more dangerous team
Bad performance against a seemingly more competent team.
Couldn't retain possession, and mancini decided to take off arguably our best player and leave on silva who tbh was absolutely woeful today.

We'll play worse teams than that this year, and leave with less.
Be thankful we snatched a point.
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