City vs Aston Villa Pre Match Thread

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KnaresboroughBlue said:
Damocles said:
Expecting a pretty dull and standard win here.

Despite their stuff against the scousers (and well done for that Villa), they aren't really world beaters and Tim Sherwood should be carrying a big NEW MANAGER BOUNCE sign around his neck. The teams who beat us are the ones who sit back defensively, press us until their legs drop off, then pounce forward with a long ball. Not really Villa's style despite a few quick players in their team.

Not super concerned about this one really and don't think it will be a particularly fine match for the neutral.

Also, never forget these pricks:

A move to a club who have qualified for the Champions League would have shown he did want to move to play in that competition as he had claimed. Had he delayed signing for Manchester City for a day or two in a bid to flush out interest from the likes of Liverpool then he might have still got away with claiming that football reasons were the driving force behind his move from us. But, his hurried signing for a team that ended the season below us and out of Europe shows him for what he is a mercenary who has moved for money and for money alone.

He contributed a lot to the club during his years with us and we gave him a lot back by making him into an England regular. His actions last summer were hard to take and the reaction he got from the fans this season after that say a lot for how much we thought of him. Those feelings were clearly not reciprocated and he will not be such a hero in Manchester as he was at Villa Park. Sadly he chose money ahead of our bright future and loyalty. He now has his "dream move" and we have a decent fee for him but for me he is no longer entitled to the term "Villa great" he is a player who moved for money unlike the likes of Bruce Rioch who moved for football reasons or Kaka who turned down Manchester City's millions for the same reason. His decision to move does not say a lot about the man we once thought so much of. :(

Really hoped he would sign a new contract but after last summer's song and dance with the sly Rafa, it was a foregone conclusion that he'd waltz off either now or on a Bosman next summer. I am very happy that neither Liverpool or Arsenal got him, but pretty peeved by his decision.

Give or take, if I am generous, I can suggest that City and Villa have equal ambition and equal managers. Neither team is in the Champions League (although we are in the Europa League). Both teams are outside the Big 4. Both teams have decent support and similar profile. We have a better long-term history, recent-history and current form. We have the best owner, they have the richest owner. If you take all those points into consideration there can only be one reason that Barry chose to join Manchester City: money.

He can't claim Champions League and he can't claim ambition. He could have claimed he wanted a change. We gave classy Mellberg a classy send-off when he expressed a desire to play in Italy. If Barry had been honest and stated he simply wanted a change, we may have been more understanding, but for me there will always be the lingering truth that it was even more money than the respectable pay wages we paid him that took him away from the team that groomed him to be a star and which gave him a regular England place.

I can't wait to finish ahead of City again next season.

I wonder if they still think they have the best owner.

That was a popular opinion amongst Villa fans at the time. Even the media were spouting that Lerner was the perfect owner. There was a time when the vitriol from Villa fans rivalled that of Everton fans. I hope the cunts get relegated.
Villa at the moment have the ingredients of a very very dangerous side - A new manager to impress with their futures at the club under scrutiny and cup final places up for grabs, in Tim Sherwood they have a very motivational character able to set his team out with more offensive intention than the dour negative outlook of their previous manager Paul Lambert I can see a very tough game with us maybe shading it by the odd goal in a tight one ................. City 2 Villa 1.
richards30 said:

I'd be very happy with that team,keep Lampard warm though in case Yaya fancies one of his unscheduled days off......






Villa will come on to us which plays into our hands and we have the motivation of going back to 2nd with a win.

City 5-0 Villa (Aguero x3 Silva x2)
Kun didn't look the best on tunnel cam when he was walking off into the change rooms instead of hanging around with the subs in the stand for the last 9 minutes.
mancity1 said:
Kun didn't look the best on tunnel cam when he was walking off into the change rooms instead of hanging around with the subs in the stand for the last 9 minutes.

He always walks like that. It's as though his balls are a hazard and he has to walk around them.
I'm With Stupid said:
They were all over Liverpool, pressing high up the pitch and forcing errors. Exactly the sort of play that will cause problems for us. Whether they can match that intensity outside of a cup game is another question. They've got a long wait for the FA Cup final now, so I don't expect it to distract them too much though. And they're not playing in midweek or anything.

Agreed, usually a point against this much improved villa side would be ok but we're desperate for 3 points here. Hoping the players will show the same amount of desire they did against the hammers but I'm not convinced. Part of me thinks it was due to West ham rolling over for us. Villa will be up for this one, it's another chance to get a big scalp and a rehearsal for the gunners. Their new look 4-3-3 will definitely pose a problem for us and Sherwood will target our lack of intensity and get their high energy players to play a pressing game. I hope to god Pellers has given that a little thought when preparing for this game. I'm predicting 2-2, hoping we'll nick a winner but won't be srprised if they get the three points.
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