City Vs Borussia Dortmund (CL) Post Match Thread

Re: Wayne Rooney's Tweets

What's wrong with Hart getting the credit he deserves? Even if it is from the pube headed ****.
jimharri said:
black mamba said:
antspider said:
Grown up watching City be terrific for seconds,woeful for minutes, rubbish for hours. All of which has left me depressed for days if not weeks........ So what does cheer me up (and its happened a few times recently) is that when we are outplayed and second best we still come away with something ;)

I don't know how we came away with something , because i'm none too sure that was even a penalty ....... no wonder Dortmund are pissed off!
We've had softer ones given against us (Micah at Klanfield last season springs to mind), but I agree with you. It was never a penalty. The defender was barely a yard away from Kun when he shot.
We got fucked over at Chelsea with one as well last season.
Mancini says on Sky he knows the problem we have and how to put it right, and it's his job to do so.

Thank god![\quote]

Expect a clean sheet and a 4-0 win against Sunderland

If thats the case why didn't he put it right at 7.30 tonight, load of bullshit.
Rascal said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
Dortmund are a good side but we should be beating them,.

Explain why we should?

Have you any idea about were we currently stand in European football or do you just think we should now roll over everyone in our path.
Dortmund have been conceding loads of goals like us this season, they're a decent side but with the players Mancini has at his disposal we should be beating them simple as, and we definitely shouldn't be getting dominated on. It was just Mancinis awful tactics which made Dortmund look so much better than us tonight.
I cannot understand the drama queens on here saying how shocking we were.

We played quite well. Not brilliant by any means, but not bad. Hart was fantastic and in the first half at least Silva, Nasri, Yaya, Aguero and Dzeko did Ok.

But our opponents were simply outstanding. We met a better side who played out of their skin.

No shame in how we played, nor the result.
A lot of moaners on here. I can't help but laugh at the fact we just stole a point. There's plenty left to play for.
i don't know that yaya would have done anything in a more advanced role. He was completely unable to cope with their pace and they clearly keyed in on him, collapsing on him from all sides. Most of his passes were off target and he was very slow to see the danger coming toward him. I don't see how any of this changes when advanced. Furthermore, i'm not sure he was intentionally dropping deep, but given that there was no space it was the only place he could go to pick up the ball. He kept having to come back because of a lack of space in the middle

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