City Vs Borussia Dortmund (CL) Pre Match Thread

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BelgianBlue85 said:
Hi all, my friend and I from Belgium would like to see this game, we bought a blue card to buy a ticket in advance but clearly there needs to be a booking history to watch a CL game. We are in Manchester for business and would love to see "Vince the Prince" play in the CL. If anyone could fix me up with 2 tickets that would be great ! Thanks guy's !

Ring the ticket office if you having trouble on the ticket site mate, although, as It is on general sale now you should not need any loyalty points to buy a ticket for the game online.

You will have a supporter number now if you have a blue card so ring the ticket office to check availbility and see if you can purchase a ticket/s and then you can go down to to the ticket office to buy and get them. If you are here on business then this is what you will need to do anyway.

The ticket office is at the ground if you did not know.
Referee Pavel Královec is the same guy who did the home wins over Villarreal and Aris.

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smithy said:
Cielo Azzurro said:
Does anyone know what are the BD fans thinking about this game? Found few forums but they're barely discussing upcoming game there.. Just curious.

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bosniacity said:
Cielo Azzurro said:
Does anyone know what are the BD fans thinking about this game? Found few forums but they're barely discussing upcoming game there.. Just curious.

Most of them would be very happy with the point, they are all saying that we have very good atack, they see the chance in our defence because we still don't have clean sheet this season, they are relying on the counter atacks......

Cheers guys

Yeah seems that they will be pretty happy with a draw away and a win at home.
Can't wait for the game!
was thinking a bit about the team that wouldn't suit BVB's back four and I thought that Subotic and Hummels would be able to handle him physically but then again, neither Aguero nor Tevez could pose any threat in the air...and I just saw the highlights of this last match and saw how he held off and stomped on hangeland who is a hard bastard so I think Edin would be ok to start with Aguero or Tevez buzzing around him end exploiting the space because I'm sure both Subotic and Hummels will have their work cut out with Dzeko on current form and they will be helping each other out when it comes to marking him which will allow other players to exploit the space left....

I'd go with

For those of you, who want some more informations, here is the website of the greatest BVB-fanzine, englishversion
There is also a messageboard, but of course it´s in german, may be no problem for the majority, cause at least you are famous for your efforts to learn foreign languages ;-).
As somebody already mentioned: we will be very satified with a draw, cause we really failed last CL. Hope and think the game in Dortmund will be the decisive one.
Cheers from Dortmund
I have a really good feeling about this game, a feeling that gives an opinion that Wednesday will be the day we arrive in the Championd League.

Dortmund are a fantastic side but I think Wednesday will be our day and we will comfortably beat them by a nice score line.
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