City Vs Borussia Dortmund (CL) Pre Match Thread

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Dont know much about dortmund other than that they have been german champions for 2 years,which premier league side would they be at level with in terms of playing ability and hows dzeko,s record against them?any one.
Citizen in Pakistan said:
Dont know much about dortmund other than that they have been german champions for 2 years,which premier league side would they be at level with in terms of playing ability and hows dzeko,s record against them?any one.

Here's a pretty amazing goal against them. I've seen him score one or two others.

The control, turn and lob are all exquisite.
Tossing up whether to strat both Nasri and Silva. We have to win so I am going for


Zab Komps Nasty Clichy

Barry Yaya

Silva Aguero Nasri


Leaving Tevez and Garcia on the bench fot this one. Always the optimist City 2-0
Dzeko is class. We just never play to suit him. We play to suit aguero and tevez (hence why they have been 30 goal machines for us), if we get crosses in Dzeko will thrive. He's just got a give a go kind of guy. Put it on his head and let him use his size and strength to turn a guy and he will score.
Dortmund will park the bus and try and hit us on the break, if we can get an early goal I can see a 3-0 win. If we cannot get an early goal it could be a very tense night.
Cielo Azzurro said:
Does anyone know what are the BD fans thinking about this game? Found few forums but they're barely discussing upcoming game there.. Just curious.

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Cielo Azzurro said:
Does anyone know what are the BD fans thinking about this game? Found few forums but they're barely discussing upcoming game there.. Just curious.

Most of them would be very happy with the point, they are all saying that we have very good atack, they see the chance in our defence because we still don't have clean sheet this season, they are relying on the counter atacks......
Hi all, my friend and I from Belgium would like to see this game, we bought a blue card to buy a ticket in advance but clearly there needs to be a booking history to watch a CL game. We are in Manchester for business and would love to see "Vince the Prince" play in the CL. If anyone could fix me up with 2 tickets that would be great ! Thanks guy's !

Bench: Pantilimon, Nasty, Clichy, Milner, Nasri, Džeko, Balotelli.

Quietly Confident: 2-1.
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