City vs chelsea pre match thread.

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haaggus said:
Chelsea fan here visiting from shedend. You people are disgusting. Still not as bad as Scum fans and Dippers fans but pretty nasty in here. Chelsea fans are very cautious even when we are heavy favorites, prob because our team is so erratic. Can't say the same about City fans. There's a lot of Mourinho hate here but I love it, he's the best in the world and your fear of him is palpable. I hope your team rapes Barcelona though.
You seem to have a problem understanding the difference between fear and odium. As long as that piece of dung is your manager, you'll be despised by any decent fan of football. Now jog on.
Just a quick show of hands on the board... Who thinks Pellegrini is a better manager than Mourinho? Because I cerntainly do. When you take into account every aspect of managing, I think Pellers comes out on top. The circus that surrounds Mourinho is his downfall for me.
nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
If we can beat Bayern at there place and score 3 with our second string then what can we do to Chelsea at home with our best team? (kun, nasri excepted) Chelsea fans coming on here need to be careful about predicting a close game we're capable of putting more than five past them in reality. It might not happen because we all know how football works but with this City team at the moment "special" things are happening that haven't been seen with a premiership team before.

Come on, that Bayern game was nothing special, they knew they were already through, and after leading completely took their foot off the gas, they done the same against Arsenal last season. You done well to punish them for taking their foot off the gas, but its hardly a good measuring stick for this game.
carefree said:
Another Chelsea fan here! I have been reading your opinions about the match and couldn't help replying to some of the madness! I have to laugh at the people who are so confident of putting 4 or 5 past us! i don't think i have ever seen a set of fans not just confident of beat us, but so confident of putting 4 or 5 past us! its pure madness. I can understand why some think you will put 4 or 5 past us as you have done it to many teams this season, but at the same time you should be able to see how solid we are defensively, when we are in form like we are now, the level of performance that we put into the big games is always very high and there is just no chance of you putting 4 or 5 past us.

As for you hate of Mourinho again i can understand that, as most football fans hate him! but that's just how we like it.

As for the game i see it being a close match, we need the first goal to really put us in control, if you guys score first, then we will be in for a big battle. I am very happy that Aguero is not playing, i am a big fan of Aguero, if i had the choice to pick any striker on the planet to play for Chelsea it would be him. But now that he is out i expect you will play Dzeko and Negredo up top, both have scored goals this season but i don't fear them anywhere near as much as Aguero, and they will be easier for Terry and Cahill to defend against the Sergio Aguero. Also Matic v Toure will be a great battle in midfield, something to definitely keep an eye on.

All in all i think Chelsea will just edge this 2-1, hopefully it will be a great game and hopefully that little twat Mike Dean wont spoil the game.
How arrogant to come to think that you can play away to a team the scores 4 and 5 every week and think you can keep it down to 1 or 2. It is nice to know that you like the fact your manager is a poisonous **** who brings nothing but disgrace to football whatever he does. It'll make putting 1 or 2 past you all the much more enjoyable on Monday.
Goo said:
Just a quick show of hands on the board... Who thinks Pellegrini is a better manager than Mourinho? Because I cerntainly do. When you take into account every aspect of managing, I think Pellers comes out on top. The circus that surrounds Mourinho is his downfall for me.

Agree, for me it's pellegrini
haaggus said:
Chelsea fan here visiting from shedend. You people are disgusting. Still not as bad as Scum fans and Dippers fans but pretty nasty in here. Chelsea fans are very cautious even when we are heavy favorites, prob because our team is so erratic. Can't say the same about City fans. There's a lot of Mourinho hate here but I love it, he's the best in the world and your fear of him is palpable. I hope your team rapes Barcelona though.

Are you heavy favourites for Monday?? oh and I hope our team rapes your lot on monday;)
Oh and as for maureen being the best in the world..thats a crock of shit..
Goo said:
Just a quick show of hands on the board... Who thinks Pellegrini is a better manager than Mourinho? Because I cerntainly do. When you take into account every aspect of managing, I think Pellers comes out on top. The circus that surrounds Mourinho is his downfall for me.
Trophies. That's it. Regardless of how well we play, it's about trophies. Remember Newcastle playing that stunning football under Keegan? No, it's never talked about as they won fuck all. Same goes for Arsenal. Arsene's nice passing game, etc, etc, but no trophy for years. The Filth under the piss can producing turgid football for a good few seasons now but still won lots of trophies - never a word of criticism for him.

You can talk all day about Pellegrini having more class etc, etc, but Mourinho is only copying the blueprint left by Ferguson - slag other teams, slag the media, slag the officials, as long as it brings trophies.

Therefore, Mourinho is still the better manager as his medal collection dwarfs Pellegrini's.
Goo said:
Just a quick show of hands on the board... Who thinks Pellegrini is a better manager than Mourinho? Because I cerntainly do. When you take into account every aspect of managing, I think Pellers comes out on top. The circus that surrounds Mourinho is his downfall for me.

I thinks thats a very subjective question, if you base it on things won then Mouriniho if you base it on being the least cintyish then MP

Personally i dont give a shit whon is the best i wold not want Mouriniho so MP for me
if that chelsea team comes with any other manager, i'm so confident we win - the fact is you can never rule a mourinho team out

we should create and get more chances, it's whether we take them, a game for aguero :(
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