City vs. Sporting CP Post-Match Discussion Thread

Im dissapointed about going out, but the good thing about it now is people will realise there is room for alot of improvement (same at the Rags) and we are both not as good as the media have made out we are. Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, AC Milan these are quality side, City and United, not so im afraid.

Next year we will imrpove again though, and we will do something in europe, im sure of it. As for now, 10 games left and its a straight fight for the title between us and them.
M.C.F.C.O.K said:
Im dissapointed about going out, but the good thing about it now is people will realise there is room for alot of improvement (same at the Rags) and we are both not as good as the media have made out we are. Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, AC Milan these are quality side, City and United, not so im afraid.

Next year we will imrpove again though, and we will do something in europe, im sure of it. As for now, 10 games left and its a straight fight for the title between us and them.
I'm not sure City and Utd approached the Europa games with the same intensity as our rivals. Look at how the Sporting players celebrated last night for example.

City and Utd are both better than AC Milan.
santasa said:
It was extremely intense 20', after Dzeko came in ... good 20' min
Interesting that the game changed after Dzecko came on? Says something he had commitment which was lacking before that. Yes he has limitations but commitment is key in games it gets teams through shitty times and there was none in the first half .
It's a lesson learned for me . A team ethic is key for these last few games and I don't really care who stands up to the plate but FFS someone has to.
It needs full commitment that's what wins league trikes ans we deserve to do that.
If the Dzeko we saw last night played the first leg, things would be different.

He deserves credit for playing with desire while many of our 'stars' hid.
Blue Haze said:
If the Dzeko we saw last night played the first leg, things would be different.

He deserves credit for playing with desire while many of our 'stars' hid.

In the first leg it was the opposite - Dzeko was crap, Balotelli came on and we looked dangerous. In the second leg Balotelli was crap, Dzeko came on and we looked dangerous. I wish one of these two could just perform consistently near enough every week, ala Van Persie.
Gutted......... absolutely fuckin gutted!!!

I've taken the Swansea defeat and the Europa League exit so badly, this is the first time in a week that I've been able to emerge into the daylight and face the fact that over the last 3 matches (2nd half against Sporting apart), we've managed to shoot ourselves in the foot.

Fair play to Swansea the best team by far won. As for Sporting, they were nowhere as good as Porto or as good as we can be, but they wanted it more than we did and they showed it over 3/4 of this two legged tie. The second half showed what we can do and as many have said before, I hope the defeat by Sporting has woken us all up to the fact that we could end up potless come the end of the season unless we give it our all from hereonin.

One thing has worried me though. I was stunned when reading our fans early opinions of Yaya when he first arrived here. I heard comments like 'lazy', 'slow', 'languid' 'unfit' etc and I couldn't believe that some fans could even think this of such a superb player.

But here's the problem.............. Sporting at home during the first half, Chelsea away, Swansea away Yaya constantly lost his cool and I feared that he would be sent off. When this started to happen during those matches, the whole team seemed to react negatively, and our performances fell apart. Yaya is TOO important to our team for him to lose his composure, because as far as I'm concerned he is the heartbeat that keeps our team ticking and without that fuctioning heart we don't tick as a team. Yaya needs to channel his agression in the right direction and not into conceding needless yellow cards for commiting silly fouls bourne out of frustration and for dissent.

I just hope that the coaching staff drill this into his head, because as my rabid Rag colleague Red John keeps stressing, Yaya is the player all teams we face fear the most!! He summed it up like this; 'Stop Yaya Toure, you stop Manchester City'!!

Yaya, please keep your cool, we need you now more than ever..............
Re: at least we showed some bollocks

BoyBlue_1985 said:
tom said:
yes at least we went out fighting

Too many fucking times we have gone out of a competition fighting

A team that is supposed to be as good as we are should not be fighting to stay in Europa league ties and Carling Cup games
Gone out fighting in every cup, i would rather go in fighting and not be in the need to fight back
agree with all you say
it was that bad in first half compared to 2nd just hope we put the fight back into us

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