City Vs Sunderland Pre Match Thread

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To me the biggest issue is MP playing Yaya in the holding role. He's not effective there. This is why we couldn't create much of anything vs Norwich. Seems he's going to continue playing him there. Every game he's played the holding role we've failed to create much of anything. We're already short a creative player in the middle, playing Yaya in the deeper role pretty much leaves us down 2 creative players in the middle. Everything creative on the team starts from the middle.
Mr. Aguia said:
To me the biggest issue is MP playing Yaya in the holding role. He's not effective there. This is why we couldn't create much of anything vs Norwich. Seems he's going to continue playing him there. Every game he's played the holding role we've failed to create much of anything. We're already short a creative player in the middle, playing Yaya in the deeper role pretty much leaves us down 2 creative players in the middle. Everything creative on the team starts from the middle.

Isn't the fact that he can't play the deeper role the main reason that Barcelona sold him? Apparently opting to play Busquets because he protects the defence a lot better. Not exactly the most clued up guy when it comes to Milner but would he not be a better replacement than Toure in that role whilst Fernandinho is out? Even if it is just for one or two games. He seems to work his arse off for any team he plays for and seems to have the energy needed in the middle of the park.

For the sake of my fantasy team I hope Toure really doesn't play deeper tonight haha.
Mr. Aguia said:
To me the biggest issue is MP playing Yaya in the holding role. He's not effective there. This is why we couldn't create much of anything vs Norwich. Seems he's going to continue playing him there. Every game he's played the holding role we've failed to create much of anything. We're already short a creative player in the middle, playing Yaya in the deeper role pretty much leaves us down 2 creative players in the middle. Everything creative on the team starts from the middle.

Surely you mean to say those in front of him weren't effective?

Yaya can't be judged ineffective when we don't score because he was deep and wasn't his role.
After the last 2 games the performance is a backseat passenger tonight for me the driver is 3 points by whatever means necessary win ugly will do for me.Don't know if Ya Ya's position against Norwich was Pells doing but If Pell has any intentions of playing Ya Ya in as ineffective position as Saturday then just give him a rest for tonight because he was wasted against Norwich, we need a brave decision up front it's gotta be front 2 but which ones ? i'd go Beast and Jovetic even an unfit beast is better than Edin at the mo as much as i like Dzeko he,s a passenger at the moment he just doesn't fancy it for some reason don't know what's going on in his head and a cold,wet and windy night in Manchester won't change his manner.A good solid start and early goal may help but the back 4 ignore Johnson at their peril he's in top form at the moment. ----------City 2 Sunderland 0.
Who do we prefer out of the following in the DM/holding position if no Fernandinho?


Yaya seems wasted there, I'd go with Garcia (assuming he's fit).
mc_red23 said:
Mr. Aguia said:
Isn't the fact that he can't play the deeper role the main reason that Barcelona sold him? .

No, it's not. They sold him because he was deemed a "surplus".

Toure is one of the best deep lying playmakers in the world. His work off the ball is awful, but when he has the ball, he makes things happen.
Bunk said:
Who do we prefer out of the following in the DM/holding position if no Fernandinho?


Yaya seems wasted there, I'd go with Garcia (assuming he's fit).

Garcia then Demichellis. The others don't have the atrributes to play the holding role imo. Maybe Rodwell but he and Yaya was a disaster against Warford.
Andouble said:
Carstairs said:
What are the chances of a youngster from the EDS being given a chance tonight?
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