City Vs Sunderland Pre Match Thread

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I was well up for this but Nasri, Aguero and Fernandinho will all potentially be back for the rematch so not that bad when you think about it like that.
Blue Coop said:
Burtonblue said:
depps said:
Pain in the ass for travelling fans but good news for the team given current injuries/fixture pile up

Means a bigger fixture pile up further down the line, but yes, good for the injuries!
Also conditions would have made the game a lottery. It is a must win fixture for us so better to play in decent conditions with a fuller squad.
Funny really. I'm pissed off but happy about it! Odd.
Kun Aguero said:
I bet Mourinho called it off.

He will be moaning tomorrow that City are favoured , God is on our side etc.....moaning prick!!.
If we had won tonight we would have gone above Chavs. Rags to draw will help - can't see them winning.
Right, come on City, no pissing about here with our so called bogey team. Let's get the 3 points, go above Chelsea and set ourselves up for Wembley.

Bloody hell.....just heard it's off................................
Tonight's team.

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