City Vs Tottenham Pre match Thread

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[Edit: Woah the away terrors had me paranoid. Home = win]

Can't see us suddenly playing well away against spurs especially after an international.

2-1 spurs with the winning goal inevitably being yet another unplayable speculative long ball.
The guys seem to have a determination not to lose at home so at worst it will be a draw or a 2-1.without silva it will be harder than usual but we should have enough to win
I am really hoping Vinny, Fernandinho and Jovetic are back for this.


I can see Silva being a huge loss again.
Will be a tough game, but we need the win to stay in the thick of things. Too many teams now on 20/21 points including the spuds. Would hope other results go in our favour. The arse and saints game will be an interesting one.
They've not got Bale this time; he was biggest threat by a mile last 2 seasons.

We'll be fine; home win
This record of so many consecutive home games scoring is going to come to an end, eventually!

Just hope it's not against the Spuds - if it has to be, then let's hope for a nil-nil (a clean sheet for a reinstated Hart would be a nice bonus and a small consolation!)

Hope DS will be ok to play - we certainly missed him at the Stadium of Shite!



No need to bother with defending, spurs can't score in a brothel at the moment. We should set up like this in an attacking 2-5-1-2




It's a big game so Yaya will turn up. I really hope Dinho and Silva are back, but I'm not hopeful on Silva. The way the season is going I'm not as confident as I should be. That said, it's at home, and we are better than them, so anything short of a win will be completely unacceptable. AVB will set up to defend, and although Spurs couldn't score in a brothel, I expect their misfiring penalty king to score against us.
City 3 - Spurs -1
Hope it's more though, would love to rack up a few goals against them, just to fuck with you know who's stats.
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