City Vs Tottenham Pre match Thread

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BlueTG said:
3 points a must, as always.

Difficult game I predict with AVB setting them up not to concede at all.

Would have been confident about a result with Silva in the team, but unsure now. I'm predicting a fustrating 1-1

Ok lets start at the beginning. -How do Spurs approach games now.? I don't take much notice of their
"plan A or plan B". Do they play 1 up front.? Is Walker an attacking FB.? How do you see them tackling this game.
I would guess they will not want to lose - Who are their strengths?.
Strongest available team, and we're good at home. Smash them.

Zab Demichelis Komps (if fit, or Lescott) Clichy
Nasri Yaya Navas
Aguero Beast

City 4 Spurs 1
CU-BLUE-Buff said:
It's funny how you English perceive sports, in the US if your team is 2 games (6 points) out of first you are happy. We are at the quarter-pole of the season and we are down 6 points, we can win the championship. Kompany will likely only miss one more game and Joe will get back to form. The gooners are playing well but we have 2 games against them, we can win at home and draw on the road. This is the first season I've really been into BPL and City (thanks to the US NBC TV contract!) and many of you may well know that 6 points at this point is insurmountable, but I'm optimistic. Our road woes will straighten up and we will win the title. Plus we are through the champions league group stage, so be happy, we are CITY, the greatest team in all the land and the title is ours to lose!

US sport is designed so that teams stay in contention for longer than is the case in football leagues. The main difference is obviously that US sports all have play offs. Being 2 games away from first place is no big deal when you don't have to top the league at the end of the season. And teams play in mini divisions so that there are often a number of teams that are only one or two wins from topping their division. A team might be only 7th or 8th best overall but could still be in second place in their division.

There are so many games in baseball, so many players in the squad, its inevitable that teams will have fluctuations in form. Basketball games tend to be very close, teams often losing by 4 or 5 points out of 100. And the NFL fixture list is structured so that not all teams have the same difficulty. Everything is designed to ensure that teams cannot become dominant. So being in the pack at this stage in the season is perfectly acceptable.

The frustration for City fans is that we have sacrificed so many points in games we should have won. We really should be top of the league now. And if we had been top of the league now there would have been a strong possibility that we could pull away from the pack.
I am not even remotely worried about this game. We are comfortably the best footballing side in the league with an awesome attacking and midfield. At our best we can play any side off the park and I expect us to do just that against Spuds.

We come unstuck against talentless, work their arses off, park the bus sides away. None of the above applies for this match.

4-0 or 5-1 City
They are below us, but don't tell the playing squad ;)
hopefully one of their players has a grannyshagger/riothemouth/pug-esque pop at 'the small team' a few days before the game and we get fired up and rip them to shreds.
Tbh i'm praying fernandinho is back, missed him like a hole in the head on sunday, hope Barry puts in some more performances against arsenal and manure like the one v Chelsea, otherwise that loan move is gonna cost us
Knowing our luck this season it will be the day Spurs actually manage shots on target as they have been having a lot of shots in most games 16-24 but not many on target. With our defence and weakened team at the moment cant see past a Spurs win unfortunatly
hertsblue said:
Knowing our luck this season it will be the day Spurs actually manage shots on target as they have been having a lot of shots in most games 16-24 but not many on target. With our defence and weakened team at the moment cant see past a Spurs win unfortunatly

I won't post a chart, but you'll find that Spurs are way up there when it comes to having shots on target this season (4th or 5th best in the League, I believe).

Our problem has been in converting those shots on target into goals.
City 3 Spuds- 1

Field the strongest XI and get things back on track. Its a long campaign and other clubs will invariably have dips in form, I still believe the squad is still gelling to Pellers tactics and ideas. Playing for Mancini for over 2 years and expecting them to break those habits and mentalities in 3 months is harsh.
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