City vs Villa post match discussion

Penalty, schmenalty.
That decision for second goal DID change the game. We'd only have won 4-0. "City scrape home" headlines.
citytill1die84 said:
Young said:
Maicon is brilliant.

Yep looked very good didn't he? Was told the other day that he was slow lol. Humble Pie for a few people on here although it is only 1 game.

Edin will love playing with him when chances are given...finally a guy who's crossing is deadly...I mean his crosses are SPOT ON every time.

When things are not going through the middle, Kolarov on the left, Maicon on the right, and put Dzeko in the middle :-)
bored at work said:
result was never in doubt after we scored one - sky interviewing Lambert asking him what he thought of the penalty decision that CHANGED THE GAME. whatever
I feel we would always have won but it did change the game simply because being behind two goals meant they couldn't continue to sit back and hope for a counter leading to us unleashing the wrath on them so to speak.

Everyone did well today. Felt bad for Sinclair but he didn't play badly other than the misses. Also it's interesting when both Kolarov and Maicon are on the pitch at the same time. Stretches the defense and I like it, but I still think Clichy should be preferred. Nice to have that in the pocket though.
ZZmaestro said:
inbetween said:
I have to say the refs gave us this one, played well anyway though never doubted the result just how many. Come on Norwich!!!

No, you are wayyyy wrong.
We were ALREADY 1 - 0 and getting them suffocating in their own 18s before the first pen was gifted to us.
We were dominating upfront and in the midle. What elese would you want ?
When the Rags get a Pen, it is A L W A Y S when they are struggling to keep up with their opposition, often when they are 1 goal behind or drawing against a tough side.
Today, we don't owe the refs the victory.
We won fair and square / period.

The hole team has been excellent :
Silva's back to his standard, majestic today, my Motm
Tevez was the pitbull you love to have by your side
Aguero was verry slopy in the first half but improved his play after that
Yaya/Barry/Nasri where ticking today, great defending and great opening-play
Komps/Nastasic where efficient and at last are coming up as a duet
Clichy as good as usual
Maicon's delivery is second to none in the league, if he shreds a litle fat ( arround 10lbs i think) and get razor sharp, he will be unstoppable !

Sinclair : missing sitters when you are given the unique chance of proving to your manager that he is wrong not to start you won't help him ....

I never said we played badly or that we didn't deserve to win, just the fact we won 5-0 was down to those 2 penalties, we were playing OK and was always going to win but getting those penalties definitely helped the 2nd half end up like it did.

Either way its a great win and we did play very well but i thought Villa were unlucky in the decisions that went against them and they completely went to pieces after the 3rd goal.

Maicon looks to be a great buy when he played like he did today.
First half performance was nothing to write home about (very flat) and to be honest I don't we played anything like we can do. Two penalties always helps of course but Villa were very ordinary indeed. Amazing how 95% of the crowd only start singing when we're 4-0 up.

However, 18 games unbeaten in the PL and 36 games unbeaten at home in the PL is not to be sniffed at.

We need Suarez / Falcao / Cavani to take us forward.
Young said:
Maicon is brilliant.

Maicon has always been brilliant.

He had a bad year last year which is to be expected with the upheavel of formation, manager changes, defensive changes and injuries but this somehow became massively overstated in England because Gareth Bale ran past him twice a few years ago.

Two seasons ago he had 11 assists. As a full back. The season before he got 15 assists and 8 goals.

He's very Dani Alvesey, making very late diagonal runs into the box from wide and drilling the ball across the goal. Having someone actually wanting to drill the ball from wide first time is something we've struggled with outside of Kolarov.

I can't help but drool at the prospect of 3 at the back with Maicon and Kolarov as our wing backs and Edin Dzeko up front with Aguero to get on the end of those balls. It gives us another dimension.

We've got a bit of a bargain here, as this coming season will hopefully show.
we are looking a lot stronger week by week with important players coming back/gaining fitness.

very good game today and looked like the team that won the league last season.
A vintage "last season" performance. Calm, cool, assured... easy. Much needed as our nerves have been frayed too much already this season.
Great performance great goals

all played well

heard 5live coming home and they had the nerve to say the score flattered us and villa were in the game. Were they watching the same game the spanners?

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