City Vs Wolves Post Match Discussion Thread

sincity said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
on the BBC live text feed:

From BJ at the Etihad, via text: "Apart from the penalty a truly abysmal refereeing display by Stuart Attwell, ridiculous decisions and inconsistent to book. Not fit to referee in the Premier League, and I've never said that about a ref before."

BBC (radio?) commentator during the game, Nigel I think his name is, was absolutely livid at the referee..Some gems from him:
"I really don't know what a free-kick is anymore"
"The referee was bought" ;)

Yeah! It would have been Nigel Gleghorn. He doesn't do one sided refs!
impressedwolf said:
Pleased with my boys today, can go away with their heads held high.
I think the result was a fair one, the ref was terrible and im pleased we didnt get hammered by too many.
Our big game is next week against Wigan (different standards for us!)

I dont think you should expect to win by 6 or more every week as teams will "park the bus" against you but its the 3 points that counts more than loads of goals.
Good luck for the rest of the season, i hope you win it in style!
You played well today although not as threatening in attack as you can be. Very disciplined defensively which is what you've needed for a while.

And if you thought Attwell was bad then he really must have been atrocious. He got most of the decisions he gave in your favour right (although I've no idea why Dzeko got a yellow) but we got nothing. How in god's name did Henry not get a yellow when hauling Toure back?

Anyway, good luck for the rest of the season. If you continue to play like that then you should be OK.
stony said:
rastus said:
stony said:
Don't you mean it's ok to criticise every player apart from the stump with the hump.

wow stony thats nasty..

Really ? I thought it was quite clever. It can be taken two ways. 'Stump' as in idiot and 'hump' as in annoyed. No one can deny he behaved like an idiot and he was angry with Mancini.
Or you can take it the other way. 'Stump' as in short arsed little **** and 'hump' because the ugly little fucker resembles Quasimodo.

Shadz69 said:
Happy enough with that 3 hard point's won.Thought the ref was terrible but got it right with Komp's.Lescott motm for me and well done Wolve's gave us a tougher time than the side last week.How do the Wolves fans feel about the Irish crew over there?I am a big fan of Doyle and Ward still has scope to get better?

Massive fan of both of them, to be honest probably our two hardest working players. Doyle was quiet today but usually doesnt stop running. It doesnt always score many but he does a lot of work holding the ball up and creating chances for Fletcher.
Ward is mr utility and seems to play well in any position. Must be the first name on the team sheet for Mick.

Hunt also works very hard for us, I realise that he is an irratant and the sort of player that is only liked by his own fans!
Tevez City said:
Jaskosss said:
Tevez City said:
Becareful, its not allowed to criticize any City player if the team is winning.

mods ban this fuking idiot already

you are a fuking disgrace of a city supporter

Shame on you.
Because of us ( Arabs ) you are on the top of the League.

So shut up and enjoy the Journey while we are here.
Piss off you twonk.

Trying to link yourself to our owner based on race? That's like me trying to claim credit for AJ's goal as we are both white Europeans.

Do the board a favour and sod off.
SWP's back said:
Tevez City said:
Jaskosss said:
mods ban this fuking idiot already

you are a fuking disgrace of a city supporter

Shame on you.
Because of us ( Arabs ) you are on the top of the League.

So shut up and enjoy the Journey while we are here.
Piss off you twonk.

Trying to link yourself to our owner based on race? That's like me trying to claim credit for AJ's goal as we are both white Europeans.Do the board a favour and sod off.

Fuck it *goes to take banner off front of house*
Prestwich_Blue said:
impressedwolf said:
Pleased with my boys today, can go away with their heads held high.
I think the result was a fair one, the ref was terrible and im pleased we didnt get hammered by too many.
Our big game is next week against Wigan (different standards for us!)

I dont think you should expect to win by 6 or more every week as teams will "park the bus" against you but its the 3 points that counts more than loads of goals.
Good luck for the rest of the season, i hope you win it in style!
You played well today although not as threatening in attack as you can be. Very disciplined defensively which is what you've needed for a while.

And if you thought Attwell was bad then he really must have been atrocious. He got most of the decisions he gave in your favour right (although I've no idea why Dzeko got a yellow) but we got nothing. How in god's name did Henry not get a yellow when hauling Toure back?

Anyway, good luck for the rest of the season. If you continue to play like that then you should be OK.

I agree that Henry should of got a yellow today and I think Stearman was fortunate to stay on the pitch. Both Sterman and Berra do the same thing every week and i cant beleive we dont get more penaltys given against us.

The ref was piss poor today. Their performances should be watched closely after the game and they should have to justify their decisions. He stopped the game from flowing today, dont get me wrong that done us a huge favour as it stopped city playing but its not really fair is it? No wonder the players then get frustrated.

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