City Vs Wolves Post Match Discussion Thread

look at it this way: played like total shite and STILL won 3:1.

I don't usually complain about refs (very tough job!) but that showing today was horrible, terrible, horriffic!

Dzeko again finds way to be in right place at right time, and kept his cool to score. Played pretty well considering how physical they were playing him.
AJ's goal was insane. Good work rate by Kolarov and deserved a goal already.

Saw some talk about DROP HART bullshit. Are you insane? Best GK in the Prem, hands down.
Tevez City said:
Jaskosss said:
Tevez City said:
Becareful, its not allowed to criticize any City player if the team is winning.

mods ban this fuking idiot already

you are a fuking disgrace of a city supporter

Shame on you.
Because of us ( Arabs ) you are on the top of the League.

So shut up and enjoy the Journey while we are here.

So by your own admission you aren't a city fan?

Anyway... Thought kolarov, nasri and micah had good games. Glad our strikers took the chances they did because that had typical city written all over it. Still winning ugly is winning.
Stuart Attwell is one of the worst referees I have ever seen. Up there with Walton and Poll.
Tevez City said:
Jaskosss said:
Tevez City said:
Becareful, its not allowed to criticize any City player if the team is winning.

mods ban this fuking idiot already

you are a fuking disgrace of a city supporter

Shame on you.
Because of us ( Arabs ) you are on the top of the League.

So shut up and enjoy the Journey while we are here.

JoeMercer'sWay said:
i don't believe AK's was a penalty on wednesday, but i think that was the only thing that attwell got right today.

tbf, i downloaded that game and watched it again. Replays clearly show AK raising his arms while trying to get the ball, and the ball hits him on the hand just below the elbow. Imo, it was a clear penalty...
anyway that's another matter to be discussed in another thread, isnt it? :)
roaminblue said:
Tevez City said:
Jaskosss said:
mods ban this fuking idiot already

you are a fuking disgrace of a city supporter

Shame on you.
Because of us ( Arabs ) you are on the top of the League.

So shut up and enjoy the Journey while we are here.

So by your own admission you aren't a city fan?

You are right, I supported City because its owned by Sheik Mansour.
stony said:
Tevez City said:
Love_Each_Day said:
Aguero and Dzeko not at their best but somehow made a vital goal between them so can't complain. I like Kolarov but why can he not keep things simple when in his own third of the pitch, very frustrating with some lazy passing today. Nasri did well winning tackles and driving us forward in the first half, Barry and Lescott also very good. Ref bad.

Becareful, its not allowed to criticize any City player if the team is winning.

Don't you mean it's ok to criticise every player apart from the stump with the hump.

wow stony thats nasty..
We've won the game 3 points plus 2 goals. Everything else is just conversation.

Alan Hansen was keen to see how we would perform under pressure. The ref played his part today in adding to that pressure. We went down to ten men and went onto score the winner. There's your answer Hansen. Hope you're on MOTD tonight you rag. (Ex Liverpool man who sold his soul to the devil Ferguson)
JoeMercer'sWay said:
on the BBC live text feed:

From BJ at the Etihad, via text: "Apart from the penalty a truly abysmal refereeing display by Stuart Attwell, ridiculous decisions and inconsistent to book. Not fit to referee in the Premier League, and I've never said that about a ref before."

BBC (radio?) commentator during the game, Nigel I think his name is, was absolutely livid at the referee..Some gems from him:
"I really don't know what a free-kick is anymore"
"The referee was bought" ;)

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