City's brand unaffected by FFP up from 8th to 5th in World

Re: City's brand unaffected by FFP up from 8th to 5th in Wor

We are now inside the heart of the building on the fifth floor, we must located the beasts heart.
Re: City's brand unaffected by FFP up from 8th to 5th in Wor

stony said:
squirtyflower said:
stony said:
Not gone down too well on rawk.

Aside from the fact that it takes future growth into consideration, we were formed and therefore "established" before any of the clubs he mentions.
They're gonna love the next few years.
they're getting more and more bitter as the penny drops further

had a Liverpool fan, who i hadn't known was a Liverpool fan for four years, give me a heap of grief on Thursday and that our fine wasn't big enough and we should be banned
oh how i laughed

I'm not sure what I want most. Liverpool to be hit with ffp next year or for them not to qualify.
Perfection would be them qualifying and then getting hit by FFP and failing REALLY badly. UEFA would then show their teeth by excluding them from the competition. I would laugh myself to sleep every night in the summer of next year. It's not going to happen I know but that would be perfection.
Re: City's brand unaffected by FFP up from 8th to 5th in Wor

How do Liverpool fans, with all their immature emotional overload who continually whine on and on in that horrid accent about their 'istree, deal with the fact that glorious Manchester City was founded fully 12 years before them?

Not only a higher quality brand but an older one too...

Re: City's brand unaffected by FFP up from 8th to 5th in Wor

wagonman said:
How do Liverpool fans, with all their immature emotional overload who continually whine on and on in that horrid accent about their 'istree, deal with the fact that glorious Manchester City was founded fully 12 years before them?

Not only a higher quality brand but an older one too...


You could also ask them which club won a european trophy first, City or Liverpool?
Re: City's brand unaffected by FFP up from 8th to 5th in Wor

urmston said:
I'm not convinced by a table which says City are a bigger brand than Liverpool.

Liverpool are still a much better known and supported club world wide than City.

This table seems like a snapshot to me, and I don't think City would stay so high if they failed to win a trophy for a year or two, while some other clubs have more resilience in this respect.
That's not how brand value is measured though. It's about how much value a brand adds to a product. It's like the difference between Gucci and Top Shop, or Mercedes and Toyota, or Apple and Dell. The latter ones are all far more popular in terms of sales, but the former are far more valuable brands. If you put any of their logos on products, you can sell them for far more. As far as football clubs are concerned, it basically means that companies will pay far more to have Sergio Aguero in a Man City shirt on their adverts than they will to have Luis Suarez in his Liverpool shirt. And it's not a massive surprise, because despite them being the more famous name, it's not a club that's been associated with title-challenging football for a while now (although judging by the placings, it is based on data from before the end of this season, otherwise Atletico would be higher too).
Re: City's brand unaffected by FFP up from 8th to 5th in Wor

yankcitizen76 said:
We are now inside the heart of the building on the fifth floor, we must located the beasts heart.

Step away from the keyboard.
Open a window (Do not be alarmed. That's just fresh air and it's harmless).
Now breathe...
See? There is another world, too. We call this world, the real world.

Re: City's brand unaffected by FFP up from 8th to 5th in Wor

BlueSiam said:
I've seen so many more City shirts this year.....not as many as the Rags and the Dippers, but pretty close. And I can now walk into a Local or Expat bar and fully expect to see City's games shown........ that NEVER used to happen in the past.
I rarely see a Liverpool shirt, tbh. Rags, Arsenal and Chelsea are a 3 most popular, but we're definitely number 4 in the Premier League.
Re: City's brand unaffected by FFP up from 8th to 5th in Wor

squirtyflower said:
they're getting more and more bitter as the penny drops further

had a Liverpool fan, who i hadn't known was a Liverpool fan for four years, give me a heap of grief on Thursday and that our fine wasn't big enough and we should be banned
oh how i laughed
I had a similar thing with an Arsenal fan. He didn't enjoy hearing the fact that FFP actually means that we can spend more money than they can in the future, because we already bring in more money than they do. He claimed that all of our revenue is "fake money" because it's linked to Abu Dhabi-based companies. I just laughed in his face.

Did you mention Liverpool's £140m losses over the past 3 years to him? Say what you want about Liverpool, they've done a great job tricking everyone into thinking that they've built this team organically over the number of years using only the money they've earned. People are mentioning them in the same breath as Dortmund and Atletico, as if there's anything even vaguely similar about how they've gone about their business.
Re: City's brand unaffected by FFP up from 8th to 5th in Wor

I'm With Stupid said:
squirtyflower said:
they're getting more and more bitter as the penny drops further

had a Liverpool fan, who i hadn't known was a Liverpool fan for four years, give me a heap of grief on Thursday and that our fine wasn't big enough and we should be banned
oh how i laughed
I had a similar thing with an Arsenal fan. He didn't enjoy hearing the fact that FFP actually means that we can spend more money than they can in the future, because we already bring in more money than they do. He claimed that all of our revenue is "fake money" because it's linked to Abu Dhabi-based companies. I just laughed in his face.

Did you mention Liverpool's £140m losses over the past 3 years to him? Say what you want about Liverpool, they've done a great job tricking everyone into thinking that they've built this team organically over the number of years using only the money they've earned. People are mentioning them in the same breath as Dortmund and Atletico, as if there's anything even vaguely similar about how they've gone about their business.
Mentioning them with Athletico is technically correct cos they have loads of debt too although they are also portrayed as doing it the right way.
Re: City's brand unaffected by FFP up from 8th to 5th in Wor

gordondaviesmoustache said:
stony said:
Not gone down too well on rawk.

Was that brand report sponsored by etihad by any chance, laughable how they can be the fifth best football brand in the world over many established clubs like us,juventus ac milan ajax etc.

Aside from the fact that it takes future growth into consideration, we were formed and therefore "established" before any of the clubs he mentions.
They're gonna love the next few years.
I sincerely hope we never become like them, using previous success as a legitimate means of having a pecking order of worthiness as a club. It wouldn't rankle quite so much if their fans weren't almost entirely oblivious to the maneuvers and manipulations that their club undertook to create such forceful barriers of entry to the top table. Barriers which made the spending of "obscene" amounts of money a necessity rather than a preference to joining the elite. Furthermore the suggestion that who are the leading clubs is something that isn't interchangeable is another absurd notion and one that fails to appreciate Liverpool's place in the footballing food chain prior to the 1960's.

What also marks them is their complete failure to absorb what is going on at City and to allow that to inform their thinking, such is the bile that consumes them in relation to our club. Anyone applying logic to the future strategic direction of City will come to realise that developing our own talent is a very real aspiration at the club. The evidence of this is very real and continues to further reveal itself as this year progresses. The notion, against that backdrop, that the club is only playing lip-service to developing youngsters to make it into the first team, is utterly comical and is based on emotion, rather than reason.

The penny will finally drop with many of them, in the next 18 months would be my reckoning, by which time we'll be over the horizon, as far as they're concerned.

As you say, the next few years are going to be uncomfortable viewing for them whenever they cast their eyes in our direction.

Very well put as always GDM. While some opposition fans have belatedly cottoned on to how much City is growing as a club, many are still oblivious and still hold this outdated view that we're "lickle Citeh" being propped up by our owner's cash.

A good way of measuring the club's progress is to look at where we were 5 years ago when the ADUG ownership was in it's infancy. Then compare it to where we are now, and then envisage where we might be in 5 years time. A frightening prospect for Rags, Dippers, and Gooners ;)

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