Cityzens Prices Confirmed

Fully agree with some of the posts earlier on this page - nobody likes increases but they are an inevitable part of success

For all we talk about our inability to spend under FFP, our owners haven't bought us as a never ending money pit - they took a huge risk that IF it paid off (which it appears to have done) will start to produce a return - we can't expect to be subsidised forever - we are a business

Of course we still need prices to be kept under control but overall, we look reasonable compared to most and brilliant for our kids & youth ST prices

FYI, whilst I can't claim to have done the research (it's @church of MCFC on twitter that I've copied this from) some comparisons
Chelsea £45
Arsenal £42 (40 on DD)
United £32
Liverpool £36 (but in Europe & Rest of the world it's £40 & £44 respectively)
Spurs £48 (£42 on DD)
Everton £20

In most instances, they offer less than City within the membership offer

I suspect we've looked at the competition and decided to offer a better product at a class leading price whilst still admittedly involving a big %age increase on last year which I fully understand nobody will ever like.

We have offered a few extra bits over last year's product including increasing the merchandise discount from 5% to 10%. All that from the club that has just won the league for the 2nd time in 3 years. Given all that, I'm not sure we can criticize the club too much
jimharri said:
Just done mine;


Nice little sting in the tail; £5 postage on top. Five fucking pounds!!
What postage charge. You are making things up.

I have just renewed for my son and the bill was:

Fees £0.00
Postage £0.00
Card £29.17
VAT £5.83

Total £35.00
JGL07 said:
What postage charge. You are making things up.

I have just renewed for my son and the bill was:

Fees £0.00
Postage £0.00
Card £29.17
VAT £5.83

Total £35.00
I am not making things up;


Even allowing for overseas postage, that is fucking steep. What are they sending it in; an envelope made out of gold leaf?
jimharri said:
JGL07 said:
What postage charge. You are making things up.

I have just renewed for my son and the bill was:

Fees £0.00
Postage £0.00
Card £29.17
VAT £5.83

Total £35.00
I am not making things up;


Even allowing for overseas postage, that is fucking steep. What are they sending it in; an envelope made out of gold leaf?

yes that is steep for a thin envelope. I think it would come in in one of those A4 sized folders though.


wait, if you are getting it from overseas, why is there a VAT charge? If its local shipping should be free. Mine is free.

I just did mine. But no membership badge to come with it? Its the least they could do for the price really. A tiny champions 2014 badge.
jimharri said:
JGL07 said:
What postage charge. You are making things up.

I have just renewed for my son and the bill was:

Fees £0.00
Postage £0.00
Card £29.17
VAT £5.83

Total £35.00
I am not making things up;


Even allowing for overseas postage, that is fucking steep. What are they sending it in; an envelope made out of gold leaf?

It won't be an envelope it will be a parcel with your free scarf etc in a cityzen box.
Not trawled every page on this thread so if my point has already been posted apologies.
You must all be youngsters on this forum ............ Why no 'seniors' category of discount........ Everybody in the world offers a senior citizen discount!
The Doctor said:
Not trawled every page on this thread so if my point has already been posted apologies.
You must all be youngsters on this forum ............ Why no 'seniors' category of discount........ Everybody in the world offers a senior citizen discount!
The club thought the game against QPR killed you all off.
Don't agree with those who are saying that this is the price of success - the money the club makes from gate money and membership is a drop in the ocean compared with their other income streams, and they don't need to load the fans with above inflation price increases year on year - and it's not just this new Cityzens scheme (what a bloody awful name!) it's match tickets, it's season cards, it's merchandise, it's catering - football inflation is way ahead of the inflation rate and has been for years, but it's beginning to run away. City can claim the moral high ground with £299 seasoncards, but most seasoncard holders don't benefit from that, and fans who can't get a seasoncard for whatever reason don't benefit either. And other clubs may be worse value for money, but I don't care about that, I'm a City fan - and I haven't forgotten what we charged West Brom last season, we aren't as big a bargain as we like to pretend sometimes.

For those who feel as I do, perhaps they could also voice their discontent on City Voice - in theory that is monitored. It might not make a ha'porth of difference, but at least we can let the club know how we feel. A couple have already posted on there, I have just responded with the following.

I would also like to endorse the previous two posts. My Cityzens membership is included in the price of my season card, but if the club is going to continue to impose price increases at double and more the rate of inflation they are going to price ordinary fans out of going. I'm well aware of the value season tickets, I know the club intends to sell a few thousand more season tickets at around £300 in the new extension in the South Stand, but the majority of fans with a regular season ticket do not benefit from that, the majority of fans who can't make every game or can't afford a season card who now have to pay £35 for the privilege of priority booking on a match ticket do not benefit from that. We can't all sit in the top tier in the South Stand, and those of us who have experienced St James Park may not care to.

Do City care? They used to, but it seems to me that since Garry Cook left there is nobody in the hierarchy with the remotest clue how the ordinary fan feels. Have they heard of austerity? It's not something which affects the owners or the players, who are wealthy beyond the dreams of ordinary fans, but here's some news - it is affecting the fanbase, and Manchester is not a wealthy part of the country. But the club either doesn't know or doesn't care, they can replace all those troublesome ordinary fans with corporate fans and wealthy tourists. Then they have the gall to ask us how to improve the atmosphere!

The specious surveys run by the club with leading and unbalanced questions to try to tease out just how much they can get away with loading onto the price of tickets, membership, merchandise, catering etc are (deliberately, I suspect) no substitute for the old fora such as Points of Blue. For what would pay Yaya Toure's wages for about 5 minutes, ordinary fans are being priced out of the game. But hey, we get a "free" scarf and can earn points by liking stuff on Facebook, we can get to vote for the names of streets in the new Academy, we can get a discount on merchandise which is already ridiculously expensive so it's only very expensive - here's some more news, some of us football fans, me, for example, are actually interested in turning up at the stadium and watching a football match, the central part of the "Matchday experience" (good grief, I hate that phrase) is the game, isn't it? And it's getting so that we can't afford to go.

City are not the only culprits, it's a disease affecting the whole of the Premier League, but I used to be proud of City because they were different. They were a club which was in touch with its fanbase, a club that was part of the community, and we were promised when the new owners took over that they would continue to respect the traditions of the club while building their new and exciting project. Well it certainly is new and exciting, there's loads of great stuff going on with the team, with the new academy, with the stadium - we're actually winning trophies - I really do appreciate that and I recognise that it costs a fortune. I also recognise the (unfair) restrictions of FFP. But at the same time, when we see the club accounts, the turnover, the wage deals, the TV deals - what the fan pays is a drop in the ocean, so why fleece us?

This is not the club I have supported since 1966 - I'm not a youngster, I earn a decent salary and am financially comfortable, and I only have to pay for myself, but still I am beginning to question for how much longer I'll be able to continue to watch my team play - the away games will go first, then the season card, and once you get out of the habit it's hard to keep the interest the same. As the previous poster has stated, we are in peril of going down the path trailblazed by our neighbours, whom we have long despised partly because of that very attitude. It's time to call a halt.
I wonder how much fans contribute to the turnover at city with match day tickets memberships merchandise food drinks? 25m? 30m?

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