Prestwich_Blue said:
coleridge said:
Didn't they just remove the Chelsea balls from the other pots?
That's the most likely explanation which means that they can easily see which is which. And if they can see that then it must be easy to fix.
Doesn't work that that.
They have two bowls out of which the pairings are made. The first bowl A is the runners up bowl, out of which the 1st team is drawn. The second bowl - let's say Bowl B - is then made up there and then with the required balls representing the possible opponents.
So for the 1st draw, all possibilities are in play. When they prepare Bowl B for the 2nd match, they don't put in the group winner that was already drawn in round 1, so there's 1 less ball in Bowl B for the 2nd draw. For the 3rd draw, there's 2 less balls etc. Finally with the last draw, only 1 ball is put into bowl B.
So it all works and all seems above board. The issue however is that we can't actually see what teams are in each ball, so it would be possible (somehow) for bowl B to continue say 7 balls, all with the same team name inside.