Claridge ripping into city, again

There was a time when I used to have a lot of time for Claridge. As a footballer he wasn't the best but he always seemed to put in a decent shift which endeared him to the fans of the clubs he played for.

Also, he used to always speak positively about us and often bigged our support up as well - maybe a bit too much to be fair, but either way his view on City was completely different compared to what it is now. He seems to have gone totally the other way and morphed into a complete cock these days.
He can express his opinions till the cows come home. Why give him the publicity and attention he evidently craves by his feeble attempts of causing "controversy"?

The sooner we acknowledge that there is a mass number of journalists and radio presenters with a hidden agenda / vendetta against the club then the better off we will be.

The players, the manager and any City staff will not care in the slightest. If we all pull in the same direction which after the atmosphere at Ewood Park I'm confident 98% of us are then I don't see why these should wind people up so much. They'll only be successful if they receive listener ratings or people view their articles.
Could this be anything to do with Leicester ??? Claridge had a fair stint with them in the Premiership (as did Lineker by the way) which probably means they hold the club in some high regard. Mancini kind of left them abruptly to go and manage Fiorentina which maybe they are carrying a grudge over. The only exception to this would be Robbie Savage but I think he and Roberto were mates anyway.
He makes me laugh. He can come up with some interesting stuff now and then. Then he gets something into his head and that's it, he's on a different page to the rest of the world for 12, 18 months.

Winning the league would not cut it for him. We'd have to dominate the CL in our first year, otherwise we're being sold short.

Meanwhile, Steve Bruce, whose star striker ran away a month into the season, OBVIOUSLY needs time to bed in his new signings (you know that, I know that), because he has *DANGER* AN AMERICAN OWNER *DANGER* who DOESN'T UNDERSTAND FOOTBALL.

But I think it's great. I'm looking forward to him losing it live on air several times this year, throwing a strop rather than taking a step backwards and giving us credit.

Surely that's good radio, it's what you want in a pundit.

It's the jingoistic, self-important, self interested mob that I object to. Hansen and Lawrenson could get away with bias, but they are too comfortable, there is no danger or dissent. They don't deliver the pay off. They are just dull.

My real distaste is reserved for the regional football correspondents. Every word they deliver on these shows feels like a favour for someone else, the product of their personal relationships with owners, managers, agents, a toadying sop to keep a source on side.

I can't imagine Nick Robinson or Robert Peston coming on the air and emotionally arguing one side of an issue, and I can't imagine them falling so regularly for 'exclusives' that are obvious plants.
I for now will ignore he was worse than my blind neighbour at managing and make a few fair points regarding our boss's man management.

1, Baconface DID have issues with Tevez, multiple reports of him shooting his mouth of about being on the bench etc. So why is it one rule for him and another for Mancini ?. Tevez is notorious as a moaner for all teams bar maybe west ham since he didn't have time to moan there before he was gone, even left under a cloud from south america.

2, Balo is arguably one of the best talents along with being a petulant child at times in the past. Mourinho couldn't handle him and washed his hands yet he is teh messiah according to most yes ?. Mancini though is giving him "preferential treatment" and not being diplomatic by nurturing the immense talent he has. I must have imagined the bollocking he got when Mancini said enough with the backheel on tour in summer.

3, Ade and Bellamy are often used as a case against him also, really ? i mean these two bastions of profesionalism who never fell out with other managers and players before suddenly went bad at city, play another record will you ffs Mr media man. First he is to soft and lets Tevez and balo etc do what they like, when the manager decides they have crossed a certain line he stamps on it. Here is where Baconface would be called solid and all the back pages would be depicting him as the top boss with the iron fist of sound judgement and discipline
Claridge has made such an effect on my watching and supporting football for over 50 years that I didn't even know he had been a footballer or a manager. What a scintillating career he must have had to make such an impression on me.

A complete and utter no mark wanker.
Thankyou for posting this is was just about to write the same thing. Did you hear him talk about adam johnson as well, the media and especially claridge has a conception that he 'doesnt get the game time' at man city the same with milner. YES HE DOES! 3 league starts and has come on as a sub in all the other games apart from the spurs game. TOP clubs do this why cant he get that in his thick head! There are about 4 Players that if they can will play nearly all the games Hart Kompany Silva and aguero the rest are rotated.

I hate how he thinks he is a tactical mastermind city havent changed formation all year its always been a back 4, 2 holding midfielders and 4 attaking changing positions. The man is an idiot
other rubbish talentless individuals the bbc employs (which incidently have nothing to do with super city) are:

The team from 'bang goes the theory' for their over the top over excitable pretentiousnes. taken from Richard Hammond who i originally despised but dont mind now.they make me vomit. yuk

Chris moyles..too garbage to waste words on.

Chris Evans..In-jokes a plenty to the extent that i switch off radio 2 when this clown is on.

The crowning turd in the bbc waterpipe is...Phil Jupitus..Not funny, not clever,useless dirge.

There are many, many more, but ive had enough..Wish city were playing tonite.

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