Climate Change is here and man made

The best thing you can do instead of whining & telling people what they need to do or not do is get involved in coming up with workable solutions to the problems. Young people who want to make a difference should study subjects in areas where they can work for companies that do this. Just telling people to stop eating meat or driving cars won't do anything. The way out is through innovation not posting shit on social media.

Yes or just bury your head in the sand and demand 'innovation' because you don't want to amend your precious lifestyle.
You’re dealing with semi senile retired boomer that wouldn’t understand climate change if his life depended on it and wouldn’t give a fuck about later generations that it will affect even if he could understand.

He’s our resident alright-Jack antipodean.
I ride a bike now to get around and have reduced my climate footprint somewhat in many practical ways.

I have led my children and grand children to do likewise in their homes for many years and move to better environmental outcomes and spent many a year on helping the environment including protected endangered species of wild life not that you would know or care.

What have you done other than waste electricity by posting another one of your woke posts?

You are a bloody disgrace SWP you wouldn't have a clue what I do and why I do it so unless you can talk about the subject matter and know my history don't give me this holier than though BS you sad , deluded woke.

Your whole life outside some decent posts in the football forums is to cast negative and almost always incorrect diatribe because you never research the subject matter you only target those posters you don't like and post shit which always ends up in most of your posts being deleted by mods especially when it comes to me and others you vent your stupid barbs on and hang on the coat tails of others.

I thought you had me on ignore and didn't want to waste your precious time haggling diatribe but know your obsession continues unabated.

Your new golf clubs have increased your carbon footprint no end so put up or shut up my good man.

What doe you actually know about the climate anyway least of all how it functions and changes?

Tell me all about the troposphere without google?
Each country has their own issues and means of deciding how they respond whether its technology , taxes or whatever , all have a role to pay , individuals , community m government and the like.

I am far more positive about the future than you obviously are and much of the press and reports and modelling you base your fear on is an understanding of how the climate behaves to change and what COULD HAPPEN as you allude to.

I remember as a child when they wrote off the Great Barrier Reef due to excessive bleaching and natural enemies like the crown of thorn I only used Y2K not as a comparison to climate change but how fear dictates not only a negative response but also a positive response.

The reef is in the best shape it has been for 50 years now.

As for your other predictions we already have those in abundance such as extreme weather , migration , starvation and unprecedented levels of unemployment through out history well before climate scientists started the dialogue on global warming.

C02 is critical for life without it you wouldn't be on this planet , climate change is an issue but I can assure you it won't be the reason humans become extinct on this planet in their billions.

As for the pandemic cast your mind back hundred years when 500 million from a population of 1.8 blillion became infected and killed 50 million in relatively quick time.

I do agree with you when you say your view on mass destruction on a global scale is inevitable if we don't reverse global warming is depressing.

Just do your bit my boy and reduce your own footprint but don't rely on governments throughout the world to act as one as China and India and other developing countries increase their C02 emissions in the years and decades to come.

For 50 years the UN have been saying we have 10 years or so to reverse the trend or its the end of humanity as we know it.

they remind me a lot like the WHO was said early on masks don't matter when it comes to the spread of covid , their is no pandemic and it didn't come from China or a lab and its fine to continue to get on a plane and be a global citizen before a change of heart some months later when it became obvious they were somewhat off the mark.

I know chippy boy's descendants and mine will have a much better life and opportunity to fulfil their lives ambitions and a longer life in fact than me and my ancestors had.

Don't depress yourself over this , you can be a glass half full person when it comes to climate change.

If City lose their first ten games I will start to think of the R word again (LOL) but life is full of unexpected outcomes and very unpredictable just ask the climate scientists and health bureaucrats whose decisions have driven the response to covid.

Just a couple of things here:

The reef is in the best shape it has been for 50 years now.

That is just not true one iota, 30% of the reef was destroyed in 2016's bleaching due to rising temperatures. Im sorry but that comment either seems to be intentionally confusing people or you've just pulled that out of thin air. The Great Barrier reef is on life support, I'd suggest you look into recent news.

C02 is critical for life without it you wouldn't be on this planet , climate change is an issue but I can assure you it won't be the reason humans become extinct on this planet in their billions.

Again not really clear on what the purpose of this comment is? If most of the data and likely scenarious play out, then yes billions of humans do face being wiped out due to the crisis. Large portions of the world will simply become not habitable for a start. You've also got to look at the quality of life of those that remain in a few hundred years given current trajectory. I actually don't think humans will go extinct, but to what ends? We will be living on a fucking husk of a planet.

For 50 years the UN have been saying we have 10 years or so to reverse the trend or its the end of humanity as we know it.

Thats not accruate, the UN and scientists have been saying these things for 50 years in terms of mitigation. The report that came out yesterady highlights now that we can only retain or mitigate certain things, 50 years ago there was a lot more that could have been saved / reversed. I think you need to put a little more critical thought into this.

I know chippy boy's descendants and mine will have a much better life and opportunity to fulfil their lives ambitions and a longer life in fact than me and my ancestors had.

That seems somewhat like wishful / naive thinking to be honest. For a start between 1970 and 2016 we have seen an average decline in global verterbate species populations of around 68%. Your descendents and mine will likely be living in a world where this rapidly continues on that path.
I mean you've just lived through a pandemic where our lives have become, fair to say, worse, yet this is nothing compared to what climate change could bring in a decade.
That's just nonsense mate, it really is. In 10 years time, the UK will be in EXACTLY the same situation it is in now. from a climate perspective.

With the only exception being the negative impact of tax and other legislative changes. In most peoples' lifetime on here, the tax and legislation changes will be the worst things they have to worry about.

That is not to say climate change is not real and will not bring about big changes globally. But to start saying "in a decade" is just ludicrous. The pressures being brought to bear are to try to limit temp rises to 1.5C over the next EIGHT decades.

Sadly I think you have seen the forest fires (and other such brainwashing) and bought it hook, line and sinker. They are not climate change in action. They are hot weather in action.
Fuck me talk about burying your head in the sand and then laying 10 inches of cement over the top just to be sure.

No offense, but people like you are part of the problem.
You completely draw the wrong conclusion mate I was talking about negativity and alarmism which is not only lazy but achieves nothing.

I am sure unless you are over 62 years of age and a committed environmentalist as I am you have done much less for your own carbon footprint and those who matter in your life than I have.
You completely draw the wrong conclusion mate I was talking about negativity and alarmism which is not only lazy but achieves nothing.

I am sure unless you are over 62 years of age and a committed environmentalist as I am you have done much less for your own carbon footprint and those who matter in your life than I have.

Not really, now's not the time to beat around the bush - it's a climate emergency which most people have been saying for some time. No point sugar coating it to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. I understand being negative doesn't achieve much, but the current situation has not been getting through to people and it's about time they got hit with the reality stick.

Just on your second point, I'm 32 years of age and have been a vegetarian for half of my life, cycle where possible, have cut back my flights to once a year (and considering I have many relatives in Australia thats a big change) and am currently working for an animal trafficking org.

So yes, I would suggest that I do a lot and your assumption is a bit ignorant.
That's just nonsense mate, it really is. In 10 years time, the UK will be in EXACTLY the same situation it is in now. from a climate perspective.

With the only exception being the negative impact of tax and other legislative changes. In most peoples' lifetime on here, the tax and legislation changes will be the worst things they have to worry about.

That is not to say climate change is not real and will not bring about big changes globally. But to start saying "in a decade" is just ludicrous. The pressures being brought to bear are to try to limit temp rises to 1.5C over the next EIGHT decades.

Sadly I think you have seen the forest fires (and other such brainwashing) and bought it hook, line and sinker. They are not climate change in action. They are hot weather in action.

Again just bizzare commentary and bad takes here.

What part of 'temperatures have been rising since 1910 consistently year on year' do you not understand?

We are seeing warmer weather year on year and the reason this increases the threat of fires/bus fires is due to the fact that there is less moisture in the ground and there is significantly more fuel for the fire to rip through.

I'd really suggest you go and educate yourself on the topic, as I do not doubt you have good intentions - but I just don't think you have a proper grasp on the situation and it's gravity. Making comments like 'The Great Barrier reef is the best it's been in 50 years' are mind boggling.
Just a couple of things here:

The reef is in the best shape it has been for 50 years now.

That is just not true one iota, 30% of the reef was destroyed in 2016's bleaching due to rising temperatures. Im sorry but that comment either seems to be intentionally confusing people or you've just pulled that out of thin air. The Great Barrier reef is on life support, I'd suggest you look into recent news.

C02 is critical for life without it you wouldn't be on this planet , climate change is an issue but I can assure you it won't be the reason humans become extinct on this planet in their billions.

Again not really clear on what the purpose of this comment is? If most of the data and likely scenarious play out, then yes billions of humans do face being wiped out due to the crisis. Large portions of the world will simply become not habitable for a start. You've also got to look at the quality of life of those that remain in a few hundred years given current trajectory. I actually don't think humans will go extinct, but to what ends? We will be living on a fucking husk of a planet.

For 50 years the UN have been saying we have 10 years or so to reverse the trend or its the end of humanity as we know it.

Thats not accruate, the UN and scientists have been saying these things for 50 years in terms of mitigation. The report that came out yesterady highlights now that we can only retain or mitigate certain things, 50 years ago there was a lot more that could have been saved / reversed. I think you need to put a little more critical thought into this.

I know chippy boy's descendants and mine will have a much better life and opportunity to fulfil their lives ambitions and a longer life in fact than me and my ancestors had.

That seems somewhat like wishful / naive thinking to be honest. For a start between 1970 and 2016 we have seen an average decline in global verterbate species populations of around 68%. Your descendents and mine will likely be living in a world where this rapidly continues on that path.
The reef is in great shape mate if you can get there now take a gander for yourself.

It often bleaches and has significant episodes when the waters warm most of it natural warming mind you.

Look at the latest reports from the UQ you can get online its not on life support mate you look at too many of those UN doomsayers who had to back flip on their latest response to twitteratti.

if the sun increases its cycle rapidly and the world goes into full scale chemical , biological , and nuclear warfare in the next few years we have issues but otherwise I wouldn't encourage you tell you kids your future is bleak.

Greta is doing more than her share of this for you already.

BTW your spelling is not so great but that's only an observation and you could put some critical thought into this aspect of your posts.

BTW also wishful , hopeful thought is a big plus when it comes to good decision making needed by some of the governments if they are address co2 emission reduction.

if you dare to dream , you can achieve much in life.
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Not really, now's not the time to beat around the bush - it's a climate emergency which most people have been saying for some time. No point sugar coating it to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. I understand being negative doesn't achieve much, but the current situation has not been getting through to people and it's about time they got hit with the reality stick.

Just on your second point, I'm 32 years of age and have been a vegetarian for half of my life, cycle where possible, have cut back my flights to once a year (and considering I have many relatives in Australia thats a big change) and am currently working for an animal trafficking org.

So yes, I would suggest that I do a lot and your assumption is a bit ignorant.
Good stuff as I said to another poster we are not far off the same page and its interesting how some can conclude incorrectly about someone's actual footprint by a few chose words said in a post.

I would cycle all the time if I was you as you are young enough and fit enough to do so to do so and encourage others to do likewise.

From little things big things grow.
The reef is in great shape mate if you can get their now take a gander for yourself.

It often bleaches and has significant episodes when the waters warm most of it natural warming mind you.

Look at the latest reports from the UQ you can get online its not on life support mate you look at too many of those UN doomsayers who had to back flip on their latest response to twitteratti.

if the sun increases its cycle rapidly and the world goes into full scale chemical , biological , and nuclear warfare in the next few years we have issues but otherwise I wouldn't encourage you tell you kids your future is bleak.

Greta is doing more than her share of this for you already.

BTW your spelling is not so great but that's only an observation and you could put some critical thought into this aspect of your posts.

BTW also wishful , hopeful thought is a big plus when it comes to good decision making needed by some of the governments if they are address co2 emission reduction.

if you dare to dream , you can achieve much in life.

I'm a dual national, I was at the Great Barrier Reef around 18 months ago - it's not in 'great shape'. 1/5th of the worlds coral reefs have been destroyed since 2015, what do you not understand? There is no coming back from bleeching, it takes hundreds of thousands of years.

Go and speak to anyone who is an expert and or studies coral around the world and they paint a vastly different picture, from the bullshit the Australian government has fed to you via the media.

I will tell my kids (should I choose to have them), that the previous generations fucked up and it's going to be up to me and them to improve things. I will show them the value of nature and why it must be preserved and why empathy towards animals is critical.

Whatever, I'm typing and made a couple of typos.

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