Climate Change is here and man made

I know people get really emotional about this but I don't see why. The first time I see something like all Private Jets to be banned. Formula 1 to be banned (Flying round the world to drive round in circles?). Greta saying that kids should give up phones and social media and all cycle to school. Everything that is a yacht should have sails and no engine. Everyone wants somebody else to do it so we are hosed regardless.
Yeah look when I posted it, 9 years ago. Thank fuck I’ve grown up since then and read the hard science and I’m no longer of the “I’m actually quite rich so it won’t really affect me either way and fuck the millions of poor cunts that will starve” mindset.
That's just nonsense mate, it really is. In 10 years time, the UK will be in EXACTLY the same situation it is in now. from a climate perspective.

With the only exception being the negative impact of tax and other legislative changes. In most peoples' lifetime on here, the tax and legislation changes will be the worst things they have to worry about.

That is not to say climate change is not real and will not bring about big changes globally. But to start saying "in a decade" is just ludicrous. The pressures being brought to bear are to try to limit temp rises to 1.5C over the next EIGHT decades.

Sadly I think you have seen the forest fires (and other such brainwashing) and bought it hook, line and sinker. They are not climate change in action. They are hot weather in action.
Here in oz the major fires that have come to pass in recent years and in fact have been part of our history since the year dot have been more intense because of our poor land management and laziness to fuel reduction so nature gives us a helping hand with some consequences to those who choose to live in fire prone areas,
I know people get really emotional about this but I don't see why.

Because a lot of people care about the planet and it's biodiversity?

Unless your intending to live on another planet, of which there are none in the known universe anywhere like ours - what part of this do you not understand?
That's just nonsense mate, it really is. In 10 years time, the UK will be in EXACTLY the same situation it is in now. from a climate perspective.

With the only exception being the negative impact of tax and other legislative changes. In most peoples' lifetime on here, the tax and legislation changes will be the worst things they have to worry about.

That is not to say climate change is not real and will not bring about big changes globally. But to start saying "in a decade" is just ludicrous. The pressures being brought to bear are to try to limit temp rises to 1.5C over the next EIGHT decades.

Sadly I think you have seen the forest fires (and other such brainwashing) and bought it hook, line and sinker. They are not climate change in action. They are hot weather in action.
You’ve not read the report, why not just admit it and admit you’re talking shite based on your own cognitive bias. You’re an example of Dunning-Kruger. You have not studied it to even 1% of the levels that the climate scientists have for the report and yet you think you know best. How fucking arrogant are you? And that’s coming from me.
Here in oz the major fires that have come to pass in recent years and in fact have been part of our history since the year dot have been more intense because of our poor land management and laziness to fuel reduction so nature gives us a helping hand with some consequences to those who choose to live in fire prone areas,

Ah yes the old 'land management' line that gets trotted out.

Have you considered that due to extreme heat, the management of land and backburning actually becomes signficantly more challenging each year?


Australia’s bushfires 'made 30% more likely by climate change''​

Again just bizzare commentary and bad takes here.

What part of 'temperatures have been rising since 1910 consistently year on year' do you not understand?

We are seeing warmer weather year on year and the reason this increases the threat of fires/bus fires is due to the fact that there is less moisture in the ground and there is significantly more fuel for the fire to rip through.

I'd really suggest you go and educate yourself on the topic, as I do not doubt you have good intentions - but I just don't think you have a proper grasp on the situation and it's gravity. Making comments like 'The Great Barrier reef is the best it's been in 50 years' are mind boggling.
That's not the case temperature wise the average world temperature last year was below its 30 year moving average.

it does not get warmer year on year in any part of the planet but has increased by around 1 degree in the past 100 years on average and man has no doubt contributed to this.

the question is how much man made emission is contributing to that increase and what are the short term and longer term impacts for the planet.

Early reports decades ago suggested about half was contributed to mankind now it suggested more than 50 per cent but where is the process to support the claim depending on which report you looked at.

Our " expert Tim Flannery predicted no snow or dams would never be be full with rain water well before his claims turned out to be duds just t mention two.

he also said the elite shouldn't build homes overlooking Sydney Harbour as rising sea levels would wash them away.
Because a lot of people care about the planet and it's biodiversity?

Unless your intending to live on another planet, of which there are none in the known universe anywhere like ours - what part of this do you not understand?
I don't understand people like you. The point of my post was that everybody wants other people to do something. From countires down to individuals, the rich want the not so rich to do more and vice versa. To quote one line of my post out of context for a bit of aggresive virtue signalling is the another reason we are hosed :-(
Nothing will change , we will expect everyone else to do something but carry on with our lifestyles including going on overseas holidays and buying cheap shite disposable consumer goods as it our human rights .

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