Climate Change is here and man made

History shows we won't, we have know about this for at least 30 years .
Yes we've known about it for 30 years but it's only in the last few years that people in the western world are actually experiencing its effects regularly and that will only get worse. That will provide some motivation and support for actually doing something serious about it. There will always be fruit loops that are in denial and will make a disproportionate amount of noise with their bullshit, but the sensible people in the world need to ignore all that and take it seriously and stop voting into power people like Bolsanaro and Trump who have actively been doing their best to make things worse. Thank fuck one of them is gone now.
Each country has their own issues and means of deciding how they respond whether its technology , taxes or whatever , all have a role to pay , individuals , community m government and the like.

Climate change is a GLOBAL issue. There needs to be tighter regulation and stronger enforcement of GLOBAL treaties.
Well first of all mate, do try to quote the right person. I didn't make the comment about the barrier reef.

And second, I'd suggest having done a degree in atmospheric physics I probably know a bit more about it than you imagine. And BTW, temperatures have not been rising year on year since 1910, so there's nothing for me to not understand there. From around 1945 to 1975 there was an overall downward trend.

You'd think someone with a 'degree in atmospheric physics' would understand how to read data then.....

The long run trend is crystal fucking clear, don't try and pick and choose a random period to try and invalidate it.
Yes we've known about it for 30 years but it's only in the last few years that people in the western world are actually experiencing its effects regularly and that will only get worse. That will provide some motivation and support for actually doing something serious about it. There will always be fruit loops that are in denial and will make a disproportionate amount of noise with their bullshit, but the sensible people in the world need to ignore all that and take it seriously and stop voting into power people like Bolsanaro and Trump who have actively been doing their best to make things worse. Thank fuck one of them is gone now.

I agree, but just think it's sad that it's only when deaths on our doorstep that we are capabe of doing anything.
Aggressive virtue signalling? In what way was my post aggressive?

You then went on to say 'I don't understand people like you', which in itself is aggressive and condescending.
The line that says "What part of this do you not understand?" Which infers I do not have mental capacity and that you are right, end of. So we are here using our devices and laptops going through our WIFI routers, Cell towers etc to a great big data center to have a pointless conversation about how we should save the planet. Please read my original post again I did not argue against it merely suggested that if some prominent people were to start making sacrifices then maybe the rest would be more willing to embrace it.
I'm out.
Never knew that about shipping. Found this article which is quite interesting
The first line of the article is a sad indictment of our government's strategy to become a "global trading nation" by increasing our trade with far flung places instead of sourcing goods more locally. For example if the government achieves its aim of joining CPTPP, and through that increases trade with Pacific countries, the amount of shipping will increase rather than reduce, when we should be sourcing more from home producers and from Europe which could use the European rail network. Looks like a long term Brexit "benefit" is to increase carbon emissions rather than reduce them.
MARPOL is the IMO treaty governing pollution at sea from shipping (MARPOL). Given that international shipping is a huge source of air pollution I personally don't think it goes far enough.
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I agree, but just think it's sad that it's only when deaths on our doorstep that we are capabe of doing anything.
Yes, very sad. In reality the poorest people in the world have been experiencing its effects for much longer but it's all too easy for the developed world to look the other way until it actually happens to us.
The line that says "What part of this do you not understand?" Which infers I do not have mental capacity and that you are right, end of. So we are here using our devices and laptops going through our WIFI routers, Cell towers etc to a great big data center to have a pointless conversation about how we should save the planet. Please read my original post again I did not argue against it merely suggested that if some prominent people were to start making sacrifices then maybe the rest would be more willing to embrace it.
I'm out.

Bye Bye
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You'd think someone with a 'degree in atmospheric physics' would understand how to read data then.....

The long run trend is crystal fucking clear, don't try and pick and choose a random period to try and invalidate it
I was replying to you comment, and I quote: "temperatures have been rising since 1910 consistently year on year'

I merely pointed out to you that your comment was wrong, by highlight that for a period of 30 years, not just one year - 30 years from 1945 to 75 - temperatures went down.

The problem we have here is people constantly sensationalising things for dramatic effect. It's not just your throw-away line, it's incessant drip, drip, drip until the point people genuinely believe things which are simply not true. And then get all animated that the world is coming to an end, when of course it is not.
I was replying to you comment, and I quote: "temperatures have been rising since 1910 consistently year on year'

I merely pointed out to you that your comment was wrong, by highlight that for a period of 30 years, not just one year - 30 years from 1945 to 75 - temperatures went down.

The problem we have here is people constantly sensationalising things for dramatic effect. It's not just your throw-away line, it's incessant drip, drip, drip until the point people genuinely believe things which are simply not true. And then get all animated that the world is coming to an end, when of course it is not.
You've pulled someone up on a semantic argument based on the use of "year on year" but in the same post you've accused unnamed people of being animated about the world coming to an end which as far as I can see has been suggested by no one at all. Are throw away lines ok only when you use them?

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