Climate Change is here and man made

Whilst I agree to an extent, we have a duty of care to at least attempt to preserve what's here.
I agree.

Yet we live under a system that unless someone makes a huge profit from it nothing of consequence will happen.

The UK government will preach they are doing stuff but won't follow the lines of say Germany where recycling Is encouraged and rewarded.

Real education, not a throwaway course sponsored by a corporation to tick box it's "environmental quota" is needed. At least then we'd have a fighting of a while generation being taught and understanding east ways of offsetting their carbon footprints and developing future strategies.
Coal is used to supply 80 per cent of our electricity needs.

BTW Explain anything?

That not an answer that's a submission that you don't have an answer.

Go the the Hunter seeing you know the country well and tell the 140lk plus all their families and the rest that depend on coal production and tell them they are destroying the planet slowly but surely and that is just for starters and there jobs are worthless and dangerous to mankind while our electricity bills go up through a conversion and more people freeze in winter and boil in summer.

yes we need to reduce our reliance on coal in this country but it has to measured and as others have said you cannot turn the tap off and keep the lights on buddy.

You fail to realise our country is based on three main things minerals , transportation and agriculture that supplies the needs of many other countries and they all happen to be high end in CO2 output.

We have the highest per capita of solar panels on houses in the developed world.

We are world leading in Hydro , high quality coal , iron ore , agriculture , carbon capture and you come up with that rubbish to make a point.

We produce less than 1.3 per cent of the worlds man made output and its decreasing per capita by world standards.

Arm chair experts Bazz plenty of them around what would you do if you were PM? on climate change in Australia.

It's well documented what Australia should be doing, I don't need to give you a play by play.

Almost every other western ally of Australia has said you are not doing anywhere near enough. Don't sugar coat it.
I absolutely hate this mindset. Thinking of people as a virus is dangerous and it isn't too many steps from this to start trying to justify genocide, as they are only a virus.

Do you see yourself as a virus or just other parts of humanity?
Humanity is an aberration. Nature fucked up and made one species too dominant.
I spent the first 20 years of my life in Adelaide mate, I am well aware of Australias historical relationship with bushfires.

The point is it's getting worse and will continue to be. The Australian government needs to hang there heads in shame to be honest, the prime minister is a fuckin disgrace.
Is Australia still the top coal mining and selling country in the world?
I absolutely hate this mindset. Thinking of people as a virus is dangerous and it isn't too many steps from this to start trying to justify genocide, as they are only a virus.

Do you see yourself as a virus or just other parts of humanity?
Depends how you define humanity. Which would be another thread to discuss it in.

This thread is about the climate change emergency and we all have to acknowledge that the human race has contributed to it,and must adapt to protect future generations. However we all go around thinking it's bad, but won't do owt until it's too late. Like when Docs warn people about their lifestyle potentially killing them but don't do anything until it nearly does. By then the damage has been done.
Have you been asleep for the past 5 years? Look at all the extreme weather events that are happening. Pull your head out of the sand.

There's not even a point in arguing with you because you're ignoring facts and creating stories to try and justify some warped pointless argument. I'd say you're the one who's lost the plot, but I'd imagine you've never had any sense to begin with.
Seeing as you speak for him I will ask you , what mess are win in?

Extreme weather events have occurred for millions of years or have you been asleep for all time including your many past lives.

Why even argue it sounds like every comment you have a different view on merits an " argument".

i was just asking him to elaborate which he is not doing , he gets things wrong many times our Bazz on this subject like the condition of the TGBR and China's economy to mention just two.

Name me one story I have created on climate change?
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Seeing as you speak for him I will ask you , what mess are win in?

Extreme weather events have occurred for millions of years or have you been asleep for all time including your many past lives.

Why even argue it sounds like every comment you have a different view on merits an " argument".

i was just asking him to elaborate which he is not doing , he gets things wrong many times our Bazz on this subject like the condition of the TGBR and China's economy to mention just two.

Name me on story I have created on climate change?
All of them.

I.e. The Great Barrier Reef being in the best condition it's been in for 30 years which is just absolute bullshit of the highest order. Really from top drawer.
Is Australia still the top coal mining and selling country in the world?
No we are way behind , China , the USA , India , Indonesia and just ahead of Russia but our quality is much better and far more efficient in generating the needs of electricity generation that some of these countries need.
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No, you’ve misrepresented my point again. As I clearly stated, all nations should undertake to meet their obligations. As I’ve also stated, the slowest moving of the current major emitting nations is China (for the valid reason they are behind in their development). So using international agreements to make them and others move more quickly is more important than panic driven unilateralism.

You say no one is arguing for unilateral action but you yourself say “Are you suggesting that no small or medium country should ever set the way” - that is clearly a call for unilateral action.

Overall, it is a good thing that nations like the UK are leading the way on this but not let’s kid ourselves that such examples will automatically change the behaviour of the rest of the world without some concrete agreements in place.

Agree about making the local environment better, but this thread isn’t about that.

No it’s not a call for unilaterism but everyone isn’t going to work at exactly the same bloody rate, your misunderstanding isn’t my problem.
It’s one of many reports and studies done over decades by top research centres and universities worldwide. It’s serious and people aren’t taking it seriously!

Green issues concern me far and away above any political or social issues that are or have been going on. I have no idea why so few people are bothered by it.

You must be kidding. You cannot turn the TV on without someone banging on about it. It's absolutely wall-to-wall and incessant. It actually makes me wonder (seriously) if there is some government agenda to influence the BBC or something. It's hard to understand otherwise why pretty much everyone who ever appears on the TV feels the need to be a personal climate change evangelist and campaigner. A subject 99% of them know fuck all about.

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