Climate Change is here and man made

No it’s not a call for unilaterism but everyone isn’t going to work at exactly the same bloody rate, your misunderstanding isn’t my problem.
If your point was that different countries will move at different speeds, then I agree. That’s historic fact, the stated intentions of nations, and also codified in the Paris agreement.
I was talking about coal production of course we export more because we have the best and I wish we used more on our generation until we convert to nuclear overtime.

No need to apologise Bazz.

Never said you make it up you just leap before you look.
So not only producing more, but polluting more by exporting the stuff.
The sea levels are continuing to rise.
For perspective, by 3 inches in the last 30 years.

Eco-systems are being obliterated at the fastest rate in history (de-forestation, ice sheets etc).
Deforestation has been slowing and maybe even reversed. What eco-systems exist on ice sheets?

Our oceans are being over-fished to the point that where it's likely we're no longer have fish in the ocean within 100 years.
True about over-fishing. I have no idea if your extrapolation is correct, but it is concerning to say the least.

The use of pesticides and fertilisers in farming worldwide is likely to lead to mass crop failure within the next 100 years.
Just random doom-mongering, or based on any actual science or evidence?

You said in one of your posts that you don't like legislation that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. Well, who do you think suffers the most from climate change? It isn't Jeff Bezos and his rocket ship, that's for certain!

You continue doing you. Deny, deny and deny some more. Pretend there's nothing happening. You live in a first world country and won't suffer the worst consequences of climate change. But don't try and preach your fake news to others like it's fact. You're nothing more than a wind up merchant with a keyboard.
I don't recall him pretenting nothing's happening. Seems to me people like you are only happy if everyone is totally onboard with it being an unmitigated catastrophe, and who has no room for opinions which differ in thinking we will actually manage.
This one isn't so much of a paradox as such. while Electric cars do need to be charged, and that power generation has to come from somewhere, As power generation moves to renewables or hopefully Fusion soon then moving to electric will reduce pollution from cars by moving to electric. But while elecricity is still generated by Fossil fuels there will be an impact still. however Power stations can fit scrubbers to limit that impact that cars cannot.

Not only will that help Climate change ( a little ) it will also help general pollution related illnesses.

To me the bigger question is, Are Cars actually a big offender? in terms of CO2 output they are certainly a hit, but not a big hit. Every car could go to electric and still may not be a significant impact to Co2 levels certainly compared to Ships etc

At least with Lithium batteries they are recyclable. Tesla run a scheme to recycle them when they start to go. and with graphine batteries on the way hopefully this is a temporary setback.
Already GB electricity is mostly low/non-carbon (now only circa 45% gas/other), and the non-carbon stuff is growing quickly. Electricity is the easiest sector to decarbonise, so the easiest way to decarbonise heat and transport is to electrify them.

Studies show that even as of now electric cars are better from an emissions point of view (including consideration from production to scrapping and everything in between). And as you’ve pointed out, it will become increasingly the case over the next few years as the low carbon electricity share increases.

I suspect cars, buses, trains, etc are a bigger impact on emissions than shipping and aviation just because of the sheer numbers of vehicles involved. Space and water heating are probably bigger again. Planes and boats will need more complex technologies to sort out, so better to go for the bigger ‘low hanging fruit’ first while the technology is being developed.
You replied to a post which states "is Australia the top selling and producing country in the world".

Of which you said no it's not - but at no point did you clarify.

Being proud of exporting coal at this point in time and "best coal", sounds like Donald trump behind that keyboard to be honest.... Fuck me dead.
Its just a fact Bazz and I am not actually proud of it , its just that the production and exporting of it brings lots of income into the economy that means I can post to the likes of you on this forum albeit it is electricity intensive as Chippy correctly points out.

the quality of our coal is world class its why so many of those producers import our coal both thermal and coking.

like Pep and his team are world class Bazz although you are free to disagree.

We should be selling to China including iron ore at a much higher price than we are currently locked into.

I would prefer we used nuclear energy to supply the majority of our electricity needs supported by hydro and some renewable but we are were we are Bazz and you cannot chastise those who lives depends on coal production when its still the cheapest and most dispatchable form of energy production we have and we are a land dependant on freight heavily to get the goods our farmers produce to the places we buy them from.

We will phase out our reliance on coal over the decades but we need cheap and reliable replacement to avoid blackouts like the SA and NSW ones in recent times where they had to rely on gas and coal to keep the lights on.

As is said all are co2 intensive I don't deny that but so si many of the so called alternatives if not more so well documented on this forum by many informed posters in the past.

I am all for the reduction of pollution that has an impact on the climate even though as I have said as is always the case their are positives as well that eventuate from global warming in a number of areas well documented.

Have a read of the report that has stimulated the conversation today on this platform amongst us and you will surprised its not all doom and gloom.
Up in the North Scotland we're all praying for global warming
If the only place on earth affected was the UK I don’t think anyone would mind a bit of global warming! Projections suggest London will have a climate like Barcelona, and Manchester like Montevideo. Rainfall will be similar in terms of an annual total, but will fall in heavier shorter showers rather than pissing it down constantly. Sounds like a good upgrade to me.

The downside is more flooding but that can be mitigated by better defences and land management.

The only problems is it’s not just the UK, and for much of the world, including wildlife, the effects are quite a bit worse.
Again just a fundamental lack of knowledge.

Please read up on how pandemics and biodiversity are linked - I never said it has a anything to do with temperatures.

Again people continue to display a lack of knowledge on the gravity of the issue outside "temperatures".
Biodiversity is not climate change but while you mention its biodiversity tends to richer and fuller in warmer climates.

Perhaps you can start a thread on biodiversity and the impacts of viruses on biodiversity.

You tend to make bland statements and go off on a tangent Bazz but again I like your passion.

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