Climate Change is here and man made

Not being ageist, but you can probably deduce the rough age from some of the posters based on comments like the above.
That's the type of answer I would expect from a woke but again if you wish to clarify the mess rather than ones age and in fact you are being ageist but I am not offended (LOL).
What mess are we in Bazz just to clarify?

If you start blaming the likes of Chippy for this mess I suggest you have lost the plot.

you make some sense but seriously are you a big fan of Greta and her alarmism.

See if you can convince China to go to net zero by 2040 and be around when they do and I will start to take some of your assertions a bit more seriously.

Blaming politicians achieves little my friend but you will learn that as you get older.

Just do you bit , we can certainly do much better than Paris while the rest of the world get on with health , education and the poor in the world who quite frankly have much more on their plate to pardon the pun than climate change.

For the majority of the world in the land of the living climate change ranks pretty low in truth.

I wonder how much the global temperature will actually drop if we implement Paris not that we ever will but lets say we do.

I reckon it will be much less than you do.

Some say as little as 0.2 degrees and what are the actual benefits I wonder.

I don't like treaties that make the rich richer and poor poorer.
Net-zero is idiotic because it cannot be achieved and even if it could be achieved then so what?

The Earths biosystems aren't dying because they're getting 1 degree hotter, climate change is just an identified threat to humans but what about everything else? All we are doing by targeting net-zero is prioritising an urgent means of change that preserves our own way of life and survival at the expense of everything else.

If we can go net-zero then great sorted so let's build houses, let's build electric cars, let's knock everything down because we won't get hot or flooded.....

It still doesn't change the fact that we will continue on a daily basis to destroy habitats and essentially demolish everything else that lives on Earth. The clock is ticking and we are too stupid and selfish to realise that it isn't ticking for us.

We must not confuse climate change with the very real threat that is happening quietly and that's an extinction event never seen before in history directly caused by the impact of humans.
Yes or just bury your head in the sand and demand 'innovation' because you don't want to amend your precious lifestyle.
You know nothing about my lifestyle. I haven't eaten animal products for over 5 years either, but I just don't feel the need to tell everyone on a forum to make myself feel superior about how I'm saving the planet, when in reality it's not.

Just becuase your family don't eat meat it isn't going to make any difference to the environment whatsoever, it's just an opportunity for you to show how pious that you are so that you can preach at other people. How you get real effective change is through innovation but that takes hard work and effort, I work for a company that does this. It's easier to just post on the internet though, which incidentally is wasting precious electricity and killing the planet, just so that you can maintain your precious lifestyle.
Try 2 weeks (LOL) , does anybody believe their deaths from covid figures to date.
No, but some of this stuff can be measured from outside China - remember when it was found by satellite data they were producing banned insulation products that were a major cause of ozone depletion, as an example?
Agreed, but perhaps you missed my point: It has been done in order to grow bio-diesel, demand for which is fuelled (no pun intended) by western governments seeking to drive down their CO2 emissions. Idiotic behaviour all around, perhaps best intentioned, but idiotic nevertheless.

Similar paradoxes exist with electric cars, which actually may never reduce CO2 output at all, but which are doing terrible damage to the environment through the mining of lithium. Knee jerk reactions and public brainwashing in perfect harmony.
History will show you to be spot on here and I am on your side on this one even if Elon isn't after all it got him some knooky with Amber which he will say was his greatest achievement in his memoirs.

the amount of Co2 output to mine and produce rare earths and place them into batteries is staggering and still very expensive and inefficient although technology hopefully can address some of the short falls in time.

the environmental impacts of wind farms , solar farms , in production , use , and disposal not even including the transmission to the grid are staggering and yet to be fully appreciated.

What do you think about pandemics Bazz do they increase global warming or not?

I mean linking the actual event of the leaking of the virus from a Wuhan lab to a pandemic and the climate.

the climate has probably cooled a bit and got a bit greener during the pandemic according to satellite technology although there are numerous factors pushing and pulling to take into account.

What do you think about pandemics Bazz do they increase global warming or not?

how was the climate warming when we had the plague due to "man made" emis

I mean linking the actual event of the leaking of the virus from a Wuhan lab to a pandemic and the climate.

the climate has probably cooled a bit and got a bit greener during the pandemic according to satellite technology although there are numerous factors pushing and pulling to take into account.

What do you think about pandemics Bazz do they increase global warming or not?

how was the climate warming when we had the plague due to "man made" emissions.

Again just a fundamental lack of knowledge.

Please read up on how pandemics and biodiversity are linked - I never said it has a anything to do with temperatures.

Again people continue to display a lack of knowledge on the gravity of the issue outside "temperatures".
That's the type of answer I would expect from a woke but again if you wish to clarify the mess rather than ones age and in fact you are being ageist but I am not offended (LOL).

Speaking of mess...shouldn't your carer be around shortly to clear it up?

Might want to try ringing her again.
Net-zero is idiotic because it cannot be achieved and even if it could be achieved then so what?

The Earths biosystems aren't dying because they're getting 1 degree hotter, climate change is just an identified threat to humans but what about everything else? All we are doing by targeting net-zero is prioritising an urgent means of change that preserves our own way of life and survival at the expense of everything else.

If we can go net-zero then great sorted so let's build houses, let's build electric cars, let's knock everything down because we won't get hot or flooded.....

It still doesn't change the fact that we will continue on a daily basis to destroy habitats and essentially demolish everything else that lives on Earth. The clock is ticking and we are too stupid and selfish to realise that it isn't ticking for us.

We must not confuse climate change with the very real threat that is happening quietly and that's an extinction event never seen before in history directly caused by the impact of humans.
I'm afraid that just isn't true.

Coral Reef Destruction: 5 Common Causes of Coral Degradation (
Agreed, but perhaps you missed my point: It has been done in order to grow bio-diesel, demand for which is fuelled (no pun intended) by western governments seeking to drive down their CO2 emissions. Idiotic behaviour all around, perhaps best intentioned, but idiotic nevertheless.

Similar paradoxes exist with electric cars, which actually may never reduce CO2 output at all, but which are doing terrible damage to the environment through the mining of lithium. Knee jerk reactions and public brainwashing in perfect harmony.

This one isn't so much of a paradox as such. while Electric cars do need to be charged, and that power generation has to come from somewhere, As power generation moves to renewables or hopefully Fusion soon then moving to electric will reduce pollution from cars by moving to electric. But while elecricity is still generated by Fossil fuels there will be an impact still. however Power stations can fit scrubbers to limit that impact that cars cannot.

Not only will that help Climate change ( a little ) it will also help general pollution related illnesses.

To me the bigger question is, Are Cars actually a big offender? in terms of CO2 output they are certainly a hit, but not a big hit. Every car could go to electric and still may not be a significant impact to Co2 levels certainly compared to Ships etc

At least with Lithium batteries they are recyclable. Tesla run a scheme to recycle them when they start to go. and with graphine batteries on the way hopefully this is a temporary setback.
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